The three-month quarantine in Lithuania has ended, we will live in an emergency situation. Its going to change?


“That quarantine is more a word that bothers everyone, boring than a special measure. We have already released many things, we change them, we lift them and there are very few restrictions. It is more symbolic when it is difficult to see something miraculously different when you wake up in the morning, “Health Minister Aurelijus Veryga told BNS when asked how an emergency might differ from quarantine.

Due to the spread of coronavirus infection, the quarantine regime was in effect in the country for three months, from March 16 to June 16.

What is changing?

At the end of the quarantine, a little the requirements for personal protective equipment are relaxed – they are no longer mandatory, but are only recommended in shops, public transport, offices, attendance at events.

“We hope that people will follow the recommendations and evaluate responsibly, but we will probably see people who will become discouraged without a mask. That is what people will feel. Next – in a new resolution There is no longer a time limit due to the opening hours of nightly dining establishments“A.Veryga said.

As has been the case so far, a safe distance must be kept – In cafes and restaurants, the distance between the tables is still two meters.

According to the minister, you no longer have to isolate, even if you have been in contact with a patient with COVID-19.

“It will also be a recommendation, except in exceptional cases. (…) A person can go to a place where there are no people around, walk, if there is no risk or threat to anyone, there are no major problems as a result. But yes, after receiving such a recommendation, they do not follow it, go to the team and infect another person, he will be responsible for it, “said A. Veryga.

Starting Wednesday at open space events can participate up to 700 spectators, closed – up to 150. From July 1 to 16, these figures will be higher: up to 1,000 and 200 spectators, respectively.

Enclosed spaces cannot be occupied by more than 50 percent of the participants, and spectator seats must be arranged in a grid.

Sanitary facilities and must continue to regulate patient flows, promote remote services.

Until July 16 at 24:00. Extended and temporary internal border controls at international airports, In the seaport of the state of Klaipeda, on the border with Russia and Belarus.

The ban on entering Lithuania from 45 countries continues, including the population of Sweden, Portugal, the United Kingdom, Russia, Belarus, as the incidence of coronavirus infection remains high in these countries. Lithuanian citizens returning from these countries must register within 48 hours by sending their data to specialists at the National Center for Public Health (NVSC). Isolation is recommended for them.

Beginning on Wednesday, arrivals from Belgium will no longer be subject to the old mandatory 14-day isolation.

On Tuesday, a total of 1,776 cases of COVID-19 infection were identified in the country, killing 76 people.
