The teenager illegally employed in the Panevėžys company was crippled for life


Last July, a 14-year-old boy from Panevėžys was taken to Panevėžys hospital and had his hand cut off. After the minor received first aid, he was immediately transferred to Vilnius and underwent surgery.

The limb was sutured by neurosurgeons, but not all fingers were saved. Experts have found that the minor has suffered serious bodily injury, reports the prosecutor’s office.

A pretrial investigation was launched into the teenager’s injury. It was carried out by officers of the Criminal Police Serious Crimes Investigation Board of the Panevėžys County Police Chief Commissariat, and the investigation was led by Valdemara Chodorcevičienė, Prosecutor of the First Prosecution Division of the Panevėžys Regional Prosecutor’s Office .

During the judicial investigation it was established that the adolescent had been injured in a company owned by the accused while working on a metal-working machine.

An entrepreneur asked his friend to hire a teenager who wanted to get a job in the summer. According to the data collected during the investigation, the minor was not officially employed and was working illegally at the company. For this, the State Labor Inspectorate prepared an administrative violation report for the owner of the company.

According to the prosecutor V. Chodorcevičienė, who led the pre-trial investigation, the accused fully admits his guilt.

“Illegal work is still a common phenomenon in Lithuania, often people who work illegally are not guaranteed safe working conditions. It is very unfortunate that in this case the consequences – very painful – were a seriously injured adolescent, ”said the prosecutor.

The Penal Code provides for a fine or imprisonment of up to eight years for the employer or a person authorized by him for violating the health and safety requirements for employees established by the Occupational Safety and Health Law or other legal acts.

The case was transferred to the Panevėžys Chamber of the Panevėžys District Court.
