The tattoo artist who suffered a painful loss is organizing a campaign – free paint on the body: the subject of the baby is very sensitive for me


July 3 Tattoo artists in the “Black Tattoo Crew” salon will draw on the body for free, but those who come to implement the created visions will be invited to donate to the Klaipėda Home for Children with Developmental Disabilities, according to the report by press.

“Due to the stress that one person caused me, I had a miscarriage, which makes the subject of babies especially sensitive for me. However, our charitable activities are not limited to one group.

By donating free tattoos, we donate to children with heart defects, we donate the money earned to their associations and animal shelters. Before the quarantine, we also sponsored new interesting events, we wanted as many people as possible to know about them. This is the most significant tattoo practice for us, ”says a tattoo artist from the coast.

Lorita Mysos

Lorita Mysos

© Personal album

Tattooing while traveling is a popular practice

Although tattoo artists spend most of their time in Lithuania, they are eager to go on business trips. The list of the most beloved countries is Switzerland, where according to Lorita Mysos, not only happy people, special old-style architecture, but also highly valued handicrafts.

Lorita Mysos

Lorita Mysos

© Personal album

“Our country is only gradually learning to accept innovation, while other countries are happy and proud of it. Pakolkas, our tattoo culture is more restrained, dominated by images of animals and nature. The Swiss are more daring, tattoos Mexican-style dishes are especially popular there. “

This year, Lorita Mysos and her husband are preparing to visit Dubai and Turkey, where they hope to learn more about the culture of the Middle East.

Lorita Mysos

Lorita Mysos

© Personal album

Drawings on the body are less and less condemned.

The traveling master tells us that there is still a myth in our society that a tattooed person is dirty, angry, sometimes even identified with a criminal. Abroad, such an opinion seems incredible, and people wear tattoos on the body as a form of self-expression.

“We do what we want with our body, but it should not be framed as if a tattooed person is a criminal. I’ve heard that sometimes people who go to church on Sunday are scarier than those with pictures on their bodies. “

The woman describes her work as morally difficult, but very interesting: she also had to tattoo famous singers in our country, clients often ask to transfer the strong experiences turned into drawings on the body.

Lorita Mysos

Lorita Mysos

© Personal album

“Everyone is very funny and important. Both his story and his tattoo. It often happens that for a long time I cannot forget my clients, I think about the tattoos made for them.
This job can be fun too. Together with a friend who runs a popular beauty salon in Klaipeda, we came up with a day to trade professions. This means that as a tattoo artist I had to do a manicure this time, and as a nail artist I had to do a tattoo. Unbelievable, but his work turned out great! There was a lot of laughter, ”recalls the teacher.

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