The table of political orders is flourishing in the ministry of J.Narkevičius, says the head of the Directorate of Business Roads


In the ministry headed by Jaroslav Narkevičius, plans are being made to repair even those streets that nobody has put in the queue, no projects have been prepared, no applications have been received, but on someone’s initiative, funds are allocated for such roads.

The same thing happened this week with the paving and repair of at least three streets and roads. The funds come from the Consequence Reduction Fund COVID-19.

The State Highway Administration (LAKD), which received the instructions, doesn’t know what to do: There are no specific projects or sections to repair. The funds were provided by the ministry and sent to LAKD, but Management says it will return the money.

Photo by Julius Kalinskas / 15min / Lithuanian Highway Administration

Photo by Julius Kalinskas / 15min / Lithuanian Highway Administration

“Unfortunately, we can only say that political orders are being followed – someone asked, someone involved, and we don’t know what to do – those streets were not on any list, nobody contacted us about them, we don’t even know what sections should be repaired.” 15 minutes said the head of the Directorate Vitaly Andreev.

According to him, there are clear criteria to allocate funds for the asphalting or repair of roads. “It just caught our eye then. This is simply the execution of political orders. And now the Ministry of Transport and Communications only wants to distribute the money itself,” says V. Andrejev.

“Magical” streets – in Polish districts

Coincidence, but the streets that have appeared “miraculously” to be repaired, in places inhabited by national minorities. For example, on June 17, by order of Minister J.Narkevičius, which is available here, 0.3 million. on the Šklėriai-Aluona I road.

Coincidence, but this road is in the Trakai district where Minister J.Narkevičius lives.

This path has not been on any list before, therefore the Trakai Municipal Council has not made any decision.

The Ministry of Transportation only informed LAKD that this street must be repaired, but it did not even mark from where to where.

“We don’t know what to do. In that way, the money cannot be distributed, without any plan. Someone in the ministry recorded it, the minister signed it and sent it to us for execution. How do you feel about those municipalities that have been queuing for years until your roads are paved? ”V. Andrejev was surprised.

Photo by Josvydas Elinskas / 15min / Vitalijus Andrejevas

Photo by Josvydas Elinskas / 15min / Vitalijus Andrejevas

The same stage is also in the Šalčininkai district

Exactly the same happened with two more roads for which funds were allocated for repairs. 0.27 million € 1 million was allocated to repair a regional highway of national importance through the city of Turgeliai.



Other 0.4 million. EUR for the repair of the section through the town of Dainava. The Ministerial Order on the allocation of funds can be found here.

Both villages are in the Šalčininkai district, and the roads were not on either list. The mayor of the Šalčininkai district, Zdzislavas Palevičius, is the chairman of the Šalčininkai district branch of the Polish Lithuanian election campaign – Union of Christian Families.

Transport Minister J.Narkevičius is a member of this political organization.

“We have no choice but to return the money, because we do not see the possibility of starting to announce tenders, they were not in any plans,” Andreev said.

He received a warning that he will be fired due to the reorganization of the Directorate from September 1. The Seimas should finally decide on the transformation next Tuesday. Recently, the Highway Administration has constantly reprimanded the Ministry for the misuse of funds to pave roads.

Ministry: selected by the selection committee

According to the Ministry of Transport and Communications, the selection of road objects to be financed was carried out by a selection commission for state and local road objects financed by the Plan of Measures to Reduce the Consequences of Economic Promotion and the Coronavirus (COVID-19 ), and part of the funds will go to LAKD.

“Only a small part of the 150 million COVID Fund for roads, but also expressed his wishes for certain roads. I do not think such things have to happen in the state,” said V. Andrejev.
