The suspect in the California shooting knew his victims and specifically targeted them.


The attack on a small office building in Orange, south of Los Angeles, took place Wednesday night. In early March, there were two more shootings in the US, and these events once again fueled the country’s debate on gun control.

“It was not an act of accidental violence,” Police Lt. Jennifer Amat said at a news conference about the attack in Orange.

“The motive is tentatively considered to be related to the business and personal relationship between the suspect and all the victims; all these adults seem to be linked by business or personal relationships, ”he said.

The suspect in the California shooting knew his victims and specifically targeted them.

© Zuma Press / Scanpix

The suspect, Aminadab Gaxiola González, 44, locked the doors of the building area with bicycle locks, so the police did not immediately arrive at the scene.

Police began shooting at the suspect through the door and seriously wounded him, he is still in the hospital.

Upon entering the building, the police found a dead child and a seriously injured woman, probably his mother. His condition is critical.

Aminadabas Gaxiola Gonzalezas

Aminadabas Gaxiola Gonzalezas

“The boy appears to have died in his mother’s arms as she tries to protect him through these horrific massacres,” said District Attorney Todd Spitzer.

Three other victims, two women and a man, were found in the office and stairs of a nearby small real estate company.

The suspect in the California shooting knew his victims and specifically targeted them.

© Zuma Press / Scanpix

A semiautomatic pistol and a backpack with paprika spray, handcuffs and ammunition were found at the scene, probably belonging to the attacker.

On March 22, 10 people were shot and killed in a store in Boulder, Colorado, and about a week earlier, a gunman shot eight people, including six women of Asian descent, at various spas in the state of Atlanta, Georgia. .

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