The suicide doctors in Šiauliai were honored by the silent action of their colleagues.


Following the instructions of the RŠL administration, the hospital on Wednesday did not follow the tradition on the ground floor of putting up a photo of the deceased doctor and lighting candles. On Wednesday morning the team was warned not to pay the tribute because it is recommended by psychologists and psychiatrists.

Sonata Tenytė, a public relations specialist at the hospital, confirmed that such an instruction existed, but noted that bereavement is not prohibited: Doctors who have been in close contact will have the opportunity to go to bodies and funerals during work.

Dissatisfied with such actions, a row of lit candles lined the stairs of the main hospital building on Wednesday.

On Thursday, when an anesthesiologist-resuscitator will be accompanied on the last trip, Šiauliai residents who are not indifferent to the tragedy are invited to a silent farewell campaign.

“The residents of Šiauliai are not indifferent to the loss of our young doctor Laura, we will all meet on Thursday at 9 am near the Šiauliai Republican Hospital building. Let’s bring and light a candle, follow the quarantine requirements. Together we can do a lot … ”- such an invitation was distributed by the organizers of the campaign.

Collect material for ministry

During the weekend the news was spread about the doctor who had abandoned her life and the circumstances of her dismissal, complaints were made about her alleged serious labor violations and alleged falsification of documents.

Asked if on May 6. Representatives of the RŠL administration, who fired the doctor, turned to the police about possible crimes, S. Tenytė evaded the answer.

The public relations specialist explained that the hospital collects all the material and passes it on to the founding Ministry of Health.

Haunted for years

The doctor’s colleague, who has retired, anonymously told the journalist that the doctor could no longer bear the psychological violence that had been going on for years. The doctor was humiliated both by high officials and by her colleagues.

According to sources, the doctor left a farewell letter in which he named the culprits, four executives who worked at RCL.

The homes of the suicide doctors will go to the prosecutor’s office to be tried and punish the perpetrators.

“This has been going on for years, because honest, honest and open people are not nice, they are often seen as a keyword that needs an urgent goodbye,” the sources said. “This situation can be compared to deer hunting, where it is pursued by a couple of dozen hunters and fifty hunting dogs.”

The doctor surprised with courage

According to interlocutors, the young doctor became the target due to too bold opinions, observations of possible discrepancies in the labor accounting journal, and as a great specialist, she dared to name the mistakes of older and more experienced colleagues.

According to the interlocutors, the doctor, who was not afraid to join the open fight, had addressed the Labor Disputes Commission, wrote letters to the Labor Inspectorate and other state institutions, but bounced off the wall of indifference in all parts.

In the Labor Disputes Commission he was close to victory, but finally agreed to sign a peace treaty. “She soon received a backlash: she allegedly forged documents, although she did not actually harm any patient, did not have or seek financial gain for herself,” the doctors said, noting that even the signatures of the nurses were collected.

Outraged by the rumors

The Šiauliai doctors were surprised by the news spread about the mental disorders of the colleague who had a brilliant memory. They called it complete nonsense.

The young doctor worked not only in Šiauliai, but also in Kaunas, wrote scientific articles. The immediate surroundings knew of a friend who lived in Germany. Apparently the doctor planned to go abroad; I was constantly learning German.

“She has never had a disease encoded by the letter F. Such speeches are a pathetic lie,” the doctors resented.
