The subtleties of unemployment in the regions: where has it jumped the most since the start of COVID-19? | 15MAX


The Employment Service says the rise in registered unemployment across the country this year has been impacted by the change in the pandemic’s business viability, employer-reviewed business outlook, streamlined functions, and revised workforce volumes. .

Meanwhile, rising unemployment in the fall is associated with a decline in seasonal work in agriculture, forestry and construction. There are more people employed on fixed-term contracts.

During the quarantine, certain business branches in the service areas were completely suspended. Companies in the service sector are likely to recover more slowly from the crisis than at the end of the quarantine.

However, the service maintains that the greatest challenge is structural unemployment, a situation in which labor supply does not match demand.

“Not all job applicants meet the requirements set by employers, they do not have the necessary skills and qualifications to do the job. In addition, people looking for a specific job or profession do not live where there are many jobs in that field, ”said Milda Jankauskienė, spokeswoman for the service.

Arno Strumila / 15min photo / Employment Service

Arno Strumila / 15min photo / Employment Service

The situation of jobseekers is also aggravated by the fact that due to the change in the economic situation, in the presence of uncertainty in the activities of companies, the choice of vacancies and job opportunities is decreasing, thus prolonging the period of job search.

According to M. Jankauskienė, the application of jobseekers to the Employment Service in the fall was due to various reasons.

The first is the seasonality of work after the completion of work in agriculture and the construction sector.

Second, a second quarantine was announced on November 7, when a reduction in the number of vacancies reduced job opportunities.

Mato Miežonio / 15min nuotr./Statybos

Mato Miežonio / 15min nuotr./Statybos

Third, the conditions of uncertainty and the uncertainty of how long the quarantine will last or if there will be orders.

“These circumstances have led people to give up, not to continue working on their own with business licenses,” said an Employment Service spokeswoman.

A significant number of experts assure that the monthly benefit of 200 euros, paid from June, may have encouraged people to register as unemployed.

The labor market situation varies from one region to another. According to the latest data, the highest unemployment in Lithuania is registered in the districts of Lazdijai, Kelmė and Rokiškis.

However, in this article we will provide more information on the problems in those municipalities that are not usually among those with the unemployment record, but according to the growth of unemployment since the beginning of the first quarantine in the spring, they were among the ten first in Lithuania.
