The students were invited to the live examination at the University of Kaunas: they themselves called the police, found out if they violated the quarantine


The editorial board of the portal was informed that on Thursday, April 1, the police went to the Lithuanian University of Health Sciences (LSMU). It is claimed that allegedly because the students performed “too well” on the report, the teacher invited them to perform live. Supposedly at that time, students concerned about the coronavirus called the police.


No violations were identified

Odeta Vaitkevičienė, head of the communications department of the Kaunas County Police Chief Commissariat, confirmed to that on Thursday the police really had to go to LSMU. At 9:42 am, a report was received that one of the educational institutions might not be complying with the quarantine conditions.

“After the visit, it was established that the assessment of clinical nursing skills is carried out in the auditorium. All the people in the room wore protective masks and kept their distance. Information posters were displayed on the University premises warning about the observance of the safety distance ”, writes O. Vaitkevičienė in a comment to the portal.

Visiting officials communicated with the subject’s lecturer, as well as with the head of the department.

“It was explained that the planned practices, in accordance with the Rector’s order, are carried out in the usual way, complying with the established sanitary and hygienic requirements. In addition, several supporting documents were provided to the officials. The collected material is sent to the territorial police station for evaluation, ”reports O. Vaitkevičienė.


This procedure is possible

The portal also contacted LSMU. The university explains that on January 27 of this year. the rector of the university signed an order on the organization of the study process during the quarantine. The subject “Foundations of Clinical Skills” of the nursing study program is included in the list of subjects whose studies are carried out in a mixed way.

This means that “distance lectures, clinical skills training, verification, reporting and examination on the basis of the OSCE will be carried out in the form of contact, according to the requirements of all Commanders of Operations of the Parties “.

On Thursday, when the police were called, the liquidation of the 1st flow of the 1st year of the Nursing Program took place.

“This billing cannot be done remotely because it involves many clinical situations and issues and decisions related to the administration of medications. These are not trial tasks that can be solved remotely.

The auditorium was selected according to requirements, distances were maintained, students and teachers wore masks during settlement, and disinfectants are available in the auditorium and hallways. There is also a verification upon entering the auditorium – a thermal imaging camera, “writes LSMU Marketing and Communication Service.
