The strangest promises of the holidays: it will destroy ticks and buy pensioners worth 200 euros


The portal invites you to familiarize yourself with the strangest or most difficult promises of some political parties in the Seimas electoral programs.

Lithuanian Polish Election Campaign-Union of Christian Families (LLRA-KŠS)

As in previous elections, in this year’s electoral program, the LLRA-KŠS makes the same promise to reduce the number of members of the Seimas from 141 to 101. However, in 2019. The referendum on the The reduction in the number of members of the Seimas from 141 to 121 had not been held because very few Lithuanian citizens voted. Therefore, obviously, there is no will of the nation on this issue.

The “Poles” also suggest that candidates for members of the Seimas introduce additional requirements. According to the party’s program, “they could be citizens with some experience or knowledge of public administration.” Additionally, candidates in Seimas elections must be elected to the municipal council at least once or stand at least twice in municipal elections.

Zbignevas Jedinskis

To achieve this goal, the LLRA-KŠS should amend the Constitution, as it does not provide knowledge and experience tests for Seimas candidates.

In the fiscal area, the party agrees to apply 0% to baby items and 5% to basic foods. VAT rate.

As in 2016. In their electoral program, Poles promise to pay only 1 euro in income tax to wage earners with minimum wage.

One of the unusual ones, but already in 2016. – Reduce the retirement age of women by one year for each child born.

LLRA-KŠS undertakes to provide pensioners with a ticket worth 200 euros per year, “which they may use at their discretion to pay for accommodation in rural tourism farms and selected recreational places in our country”.

Freedom and Justice Party

Like LLRA-KŠS, Freedom and Justice promises 0 percent. VAT on baby items. The party also promises a reduced VAT for almost all areas of life: district heating, public transport, catering (excluding alcoholic beverages), hotels and special accommodation services, books and newspapers, medicines and health services, healthy food and chilled fresh meats, poultry. , fish.

Presentation of the Freedom and Justice program

The party intends to extend the term of the Seimas members from four to five years. Also to create two state institutions: the State Institute for Strategic Planning and the National Center for Radiation Protection. Although the latter’s function is already performed by the Radiological Protection Center.

Although it is not included in the party’s official program, Remigijus Žemaitaitis, president of Libertad y Justicia, has publicly said that he himself would propose closing the Attorney General’s Office.

Party labor

Without a doubt, the strangest promise of the Labor Party is to create an effective tick eradication program.

The “employees” also promise to seek mandatory participation in elections.

The program also contemplates the implementation of what is already being done: the promotion of the purchase of electric vehicles through financial means. In the field of transport, the Labor Party has set itself the goal of doing something else that is reminiscent of the municipality’s work: ensuring the compatibility of rail transport schedules with other modes of transport.

Another strange promise of the festival is to reduce the seasonality of rural tourism services.

The Labor Party presented the electoral program with V. Uspaskich

In his show, “employees” pay close attention to housing. One of the party’s promises is to demolish wasteful residential buildings and create a “special housing reserve for residents” so they can buy new homes immediately.

The Labor Party also promises to develop the current program to help young families acquire their first home, but to implement it not only in the regions, but throughout Lithuania. The party claims that young people with below-average incomes will be reimbursed part of their contribution and initial housing interest.

Union of the Homeland-Lithuanian Christian Democrats (TS-LKD)

TS-LKD, like the “workers”, included in its program a promise that only the local government, and not the Seimas, could implement: to guarantee that basic public services are accessible by public transport in a maximum of 30 minutes.

Conservatives also promise to offer so-called mobile days, “an opportunity for parents to work remotely one day a month to spend more time with their children.” On paper, the promise looks beautiful, but working from home doesn’t automatically mean that you can focus all your attention on family.

Ingrida Šimonytė

Another promise related to families in the Conservative program is that a child should be given priority in state kindergartens when their parents have just found a job after paternity leave, started school, or are lonely.

Lithuanian Social Democratic Labor Party (LSDDP)

In its party program, the LSDDP is committed to fighting for “that the level of the monthly minimum wage is equal to the average wage in the country.

The party also promises to do what is already being done: to give money to the child for each family.

Finally, the LSDDP intends to “take stock of the existing relations between religions and the state and initiate the signing of agreements between the Republic of Lithuania and all traditional and state-recognized religious communities”.

Gediminas Kirkilas

Lithuanian Social Democratic Party (LSDP)

In its program, Socdemai promises to evaluate the possibilities of building and expanding metro networks in small cities.

The party also promises to do what the state already guarantees: free flu vaccination for seniors.

Finally, the LSDP set itself the objective of “ensuring a positive microclimate in all institutions.”

Gintautas Paluckas (Photo by Irmantas Gelūnas)

Union of Greens and Peasants of Lithuania (LVŽS)

In this year’s elections, the peasants did not present the party’s program, but rather three government strategic plans: the National Progress Plan for 2021-2030, the DNA Plan for the Future Economy, and the National Energy and Climate Action Plan of the Republic of Lithuania for 2021-2030. – presented as your program.

Aurelijus Veryga.  Ramūnas Karbauskis

It is true that, in addition to these plans, LVŽS set several goals for the future. The strangest of these is the introduction of the post of Deputy Prime Minister. The party says the post would ensure the smooth and uninterrupted work of the government should a prime minister be replaced.

The liberal movement

In their program, the Liberals set a strange goal, to create another state institution, the Ministry of Sustainable Development, and, in principle, duplicate the functions performed by the Ministry of the Environment.

Viktorija Čmilytė-Nielsen

Freedom Party

The Freedom Party foresees a number of difficult things to implement in its program. One of them is to change the Constitution so that people of the same sex can marry. In addition, guarantee LGBT people the right to care for or adopt children.

However, the party intends to legalize cannabis use, but ensure that it is not accessible to minors.

When it comes to education, the party wants to ensure architectural literacy for children and young people and achieve higher education for teachers: master’s or doctorate. It is also intended to establish that the teachers have acquired other work, social or voluntary experience.

The party also intends to significantly reduce taxes on employees. Under the party’s program, its proposed tax reform will lower the overall level of taxes, including effective corporate tax, personal income, social security, and mandatory health insurance. The party also promises 0 percent. income tax on reinvested earnings.

Aušrinė Armonaitė

“We will not introduce any new taxes and existing taxes will not be modified unless they are reduced to ensure the stability of the tax system. It is necessary to systematically consider reducing income taxes by focusing the tax system on more efficient collection of taxes. We will reduce the GPM related to employment to 15% for all and we will cancel the planned broader application of the highest GPM tariff in 2021 ”, promises the Freedom Party.

The match program also aims to keep lynxes protected in Latvia.

The Seimas elections will be held on October 11.
