The stinking story is not over: the boss, who is covered in feces, should be alarmed


Jonas of Kaunas has already heard a court verdict for the assault with feces. The stinking plan of revenge was fulfilled when he found out that his wife had been harassed by a boss. After much effort, the episode of sexual harassment begins to fail in the forces of order.

A little victory

J.Biržiška’s wife, Aušra Biržiškienė, is still on July 13. wrote a statement about possible sexual harassment. She blames her former boss Simon Baltrušaitis for that. However, for a long time, the woman bounced off the wall; evidence was still lacking to initiate a pre-trial investigation. Together with lawyer Jovita Vainilavičienė-Kulvinskiene, the Kaunas woman finally caught up with her, on October 28. decided to open a pre-trial investigation. This was confirmed for Kaunas Day by the Prosecutor of the Kaunas Regional Prosecutor’s Office Virginija Vigelienė. For this criminal act, a person is sanctioned with a fine or restriction of liberty or arrest.

“This whole legal carousel took a lot of nerves and health. From the beginning of the story, since it appeared in public, I had to convince myself that I did not feel guilty that I was doing the right thing to prove the truth. A bucket of no feces is paramount here. that everyone is responsible for those crimes according to the law. I am not a malicious person, sometimes I think I am too lenient, I would blame myself and not blame myself just for things. But, you know, as they say, “He who does not kill us makes us stronger.” I hope that justice will be served in the place where this story began: the mistreatment I suffered in the workplace ”, A. Biržiškienė praised the news that the police have finally begun to investigate possible sexual harassment.

Photo by Jonas Biržiška and his wife Aušra / Vilmantas Raupelis.

“After the start of the pre-trial investigation, the relevant circumstances and procedural actions will be established. We are unable to reveal any further details at this time,” Aušra’s lawyer J.Vainilavičienė-Kulvinskienė assured.

Remain speechless

The former head of Aušra, S. Baltrušaitis, who was interviewed, denied the charges against him for sexual harassment. When asked what should have happened when J. Biržiška poured a bucket of feces on his head, he said that he still did not understand the reason for these actions.

“Much pull, he says he did it because of the dismissal, although he resigned. I was the executive director of that company, I did not even fire people. I do not want to talk about this anymore, perhaps some time later,” said the interlocutor a few months ago.

“Kauno diena” reconnected with one of the main heroes of this story. She learned of the pre-trial investigation initiated into sexual harassment by journalist Kauno Diena.

“I’m listening for the first time, so I can’t comment on anything. If you say that the lawsuits are not over and that there will be an investigation, I will stay in the position that I don’t want to comment. After that, maybe I can say something. You know. , I have a position to take care of my own affairs, not of others, and this whole story is not of some state level that needs so much attention “, – said S. Baltrušaitis this week.

The attack was filmed

“Kauno diena” wrote that the angry man surrounded his wife’s former boss, S. Baltrušaitis, with feces. From the beginning, J. Biržiška spoke openly about the revenge plan that had been born in his head and was ready to answer for it according to the law. However, he insisted that he should be administratively responsible for minor violations of public order. In that case, he would have faced a fine of between 30 and 140 euros.

“I don’t understand why the police explain that it was a bold attack that many people saw that they wanted to do it in public. It was dark at the time of the incident, there were only the same people who left Simon’s building with Simonas Baltrušaitis. There were no other people. . Everything is filmed, “J. Biržiška told” Kaunas Day “.

The man also shared a video recording the implementation of his revenge plan.

The owners of the Kaunas company, where Jonas’s wife A. Biržiškienė worked, who testified at a court hearing, had to recall the details of that fateful night. They were both together with S. Baltrušaitis at the time, when a bucket of feces was poured on his head.

“That night we stayed at work, solved various problems, a colleague from outside visited us. We left the building when it was already dark, we planned to go to dinner. We got in the car and the guest and Simon and my son stayed in our cars Then, already sitting in the car, I heard some kind of noise. I opened the window and asked them what had happened. I heard the answer that Simon was covered in feces “, recalled one of the owners of the company the incident of 21 of January this year in court.

After the opening of the pre-trial investigation, the relevant circumstances and procedural steps will be determined. We cannot reveal any further details at this time.

Obtained a criminal record

However, the Kaunas District Court decided to restrict J. Biržiška’s freedom and he will also have to work without pay.

J. Biržiška was sentenced to ten months in prison for the crime, which forced him to work 135 hours without charge within nine months from the effective date of the sentence in health care, welfare and social welfare institutions or non-governmental organizations that care for the disabled, the elderly or other people in need.

The court fully satisfied the victim’s civil claim for property damage and ordered J. Biržiška to pay € 580 for pecuniary damage and € 550 for legal costs.

However, the court stated in the ruling that “the action did not last long, there were no significant and irreversible consequences of the incident, the victim did not seek medical attention for psychological injury and psychological help, but felt skin irritation for several days. <..> he returned to normal life “, so the civil action of the victim for moral damages of 1.5 thousand euros was maintained in part and the defendant was awarded 300 euros.

J.Biržiška took up a plan of revenge after learning that her former boss was harassing her husband. (Photo by Justina Lasauskaitė)

He closed in on himself

The lives of J. Biržiška and his wife were turned upside down when the woman worked for a company in Kaunas in early June last year.

“After about a month and a half, I could barely recognize my other half. The former optimism was replaced by tears and a total intrusion into myself, ”recalled the man at the beginning of the dramatic story.

J.Biržiška said that he had repeatedly tried to ask his wife what problems were pressing her, but at first the wife did not tell him what was happening at her workplace.

Hoping that everything would change, the Kaunas resident lived for more than a month, but the wife’s well-being, both psychological and physical, only deteriorated. Proof of this is the attack that affected Dawn on November 25 of last year. They took her from the workplace by ambulance.

When she returned to work, A. Biržiškienė was told, as her husband said, that she had to say goodbye to the company.
