The stepfather could not bear it because of the teacher’s behavior and turned to the police: terror against a teenager is investigated


Due to the psychological pressure that lasted a whole school year, the 14-year-old stepfather turned to law enforcement: the police confirmed that he had received a written statement.

According to preliminary police data, the student was oppressed for more than 9 months, starting in 2020, from early September to 2021, in mid-June.

Gailutė Smagriūnienė, a specialist at the Communication Branch of the Šiauliai County Police Chief’s Station (VPK), told that this teaching behavior of students is not being discussed for the first time among the local population.

“Due to the strange behavior of that teacher, not very correct, there were languages ​​in the school community both among the parents and among the children. But languages ​​are still languages. In order for someone to initiate an investigation, of course, a statement is needed, ”said G. Smagriūnienė.

According to her, the first stepfather of a child who was studying in a teacher’s classroom spoke publicly about the psychological pressure students experience.

“A stepfather decided to write a statement and now a pre-trial investigation has been launched, during which the facts will be confirmed or denied,” said a representative from LSC from Šiauliai County.

According to the children themselves, the pedagogue’s treatment of them was inappropriate. However, according to the specialist, it is not yet known exactly what insults the students experienced: “There is no specific mention of what there is.”

“We have started a pre-trial investigation, but we need to interview the children with a psychologist. When you interview all the children, find out who experienced what or not, then it will be possible to talk. There is nothing concrete now,” he said.

However, more than one student suffered a possible assault from the teacher. According to a police spokeswoman, although the statement was completed by the stepfather of only one child, there is still more than one victim.

“The statement mentioned only by her stepson, but officials told me that all kinds of conversations about that teacher flow in the community,” explained G. Smagriūnienė.

According to the police representative, the pre-trial investigation will reveal the true causes of the conflict between the teacher and the students. According to G. Smagriūnienė, it is possible that the pedagogue lived like this all the time, behaved like this: “This is the way of life, apparently.”

Pakruojis district mayor Saulius Margis told that the municipality’s Education Department, in turn, has launched a separate investigation into possible psychological violence at school.

“The appeal was received by the parents of that student. The Department of Education is informed <...> examine the situation. I know there is a criminal case in the police, so we will see and wait for this day. <...> what you will collect. And our Department of Education collects data, collects all the information and after receiving the conclusions of the judicial police investigation, we will finish solving that issue, ”said S. Margis.

According to the mayor, the Department of Education conducts surveys of all parties to the conflict. The municipality management also mentioned several other parents whose children may have been bullied by the teacher.

“We are looking for those children, those parents, we have to ask. The obligation to summon and receive explanations has been made,” said the mayor.

Officially, both the police and the municipality received complaints about the unacceptable behavior of a woman for the first time, until then no one had asked the Pakruojis district institutions for the actions of the pedagogue.

During the investigation, the police will try to determine if the teacher has violated article 145 of the Penal Code “Threatening to kill or seriously disturb human health or terrorize a person”.

For the systematic intimidation of a person through mental abuse, the law provides prison sentences of up to 4 years.
