The state will finance 11,600 euros in CityBee


Aware: 03/15/2021 14:05

Updated 5:13 PM

Citybee car. Photo by Judita Grigelyts (V)

The Ministry of Justice has allocated almost 11,600 euros to the group’s claim to the car-sharing company CityBee, whose 110,000 customer data has been leaked online.

The CityBee case today is a very sensitive subject with a high number of victims, and the event is unprecedented. Adequate and equal representation of consumer interests in disputes is the duty of the State, emphasizes Justice Minister Evelina Dobrovolska.

The Ministry allocated a total of 46,300 euros to consumer associations: 25% of the amount was allocated to out-of-court settlements and 50% to consumer protection projects for consumer cases, litigation and litigation that promote consumer-business conciliation.

An estimated 900 people have already joined the CityBee user interface.

In the summer, it was reported that criminals posted data on 110,000 CityBee customers three years ago on one of the cyber lobbying forums.

Not only the names, surnames and personal identification codes of some customers were stolen, but also telephone numbers, email addresses, residential addresses, driver identification numbers and hard-coded passwords.

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