The state of health of A. Navalnas in the colony recalled the tragic death of S. Magnickis


Magnickis died after spending 358 days in prison. No charges were brought against him.

Magnickis showed that a group of Interior Ministry officials misappropriated 230 million. Dollars. Those officers were among those who arrested Magnicki. They did it to silence him. After the arrest, they had to justify their actions and make some accusations.

Reuters / Photo by Scanpix / Alexei Navaln

Reuters / Photo by Scanpix / Alexei Navaln

It took them 10 months to create their unconscious story. Investigators apparently tried to force him to admit what was not true, “Firestone Duncan attorney Jamison Firestone told RL / RFE in 2009.

Firestone Duncan has hired Magnicki to investigate allegations of tax evasion and theft by taking over companies owned by investment management company Hermitage Capital Management.

Magnickis, whose life passed away at age 37, has repeatedly complained about not receiving medical help. Human rights activists have equated this with torture.

More than a decade later, the jailed colleagues of A. Navalnas warn of his deteriorating health. The condition worsened even more when he moved to colony in the Vladimir region.

Worried about his life

Navaln’s lawyer, Vadim Kobzev, accused the officials of using an “intentional strategy to harm his health.” Navaln’s wife, Julia Navalnaya, appealed to President Vladimir Putin to allow the spouse to be treated by doctors they trust. He claimed that Navaln’s deal was a personal vendetta by the president against the opposition.

Navaln’s team said they were concerned for his life: they were convinced that he suffered from severe back pain in prison and no longer felt his right leg. They reported on the social network that he could not sit by himself, they only gave him ibuprofen.

According to A. Navaln, he is not allowed to fall asleep: he is awakened every hour at night.

However, the Vladimir Regional Board of the Russian Federal Criminal Enforcement Service said on Thursday that “according to the results of the examination, his state of health is assessed as stable, satisfactory.”

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“It just came to our attention then Already seen. The medical malpractice that Putin is inflicting on Navaln is intentional, and Putin wants the world to know what he is doing, ”said Bill Browder, director of Hermitage Capital, who also leads Magnick’s Global Justice Campaign.

In 2009, a month before Magnickis’s death, Browder spoke of his deteriorating health.

“It just came to our attention then. His family doctor was never able to visit him. He lost 18 kilograms,” Browder told Radio Free Europe.

After Magnicki’s death, Firestone testified that the prison attorney suffered from serious health problems, “including a serious digestive illness.”

“The prison knew everything because it initially provided him with medical attention. Later, officials began pressuring him to give false testimony. Therefore, the treatment was discontinued. Deprived of his medication. They did not allow him to consult his doctor. During that time, he lost more than 20 kilograms, “Firestone said at the time.


AFP / “Scanpix” nuotr./Sergejus Magnickis

On the day of his death, Magnickis was transferred to the Matroskaya Tishina Detention Center, but most of the time he was incarcerated in Butyrkai Prison. Roman Popkov, an activist jailed for two years in the same cell block, called it a “torture room.”

“They are incarcerating people there for the sole purpose of convincing them that they are absolutely powerless against the system.” The police investigators send them to the Butyrkai prison, the Butyrkai administration sends them to the basements to meet with the investigators and the court, ”said R. Popkov.

According to The New York Times, on November 16 at 11 pm Larisa Litvinova, a doctor at Butyrkai Prison, ordered that S. Magnickis be transferred to the Matroskaya Tishina Detention Center if his health deteriorated.

An ambulance arrived six hours later and was taken to the isolator at 6:30 pm. The doctor prescribed painkillers from S. Magnickis, ordered a psychiatrist to assess his condition, and left. 9 pm 20 minutes. S. Magnickis was found unconscious in his cell and his death was determined half an hour later.

Toxic shock and heart failure due to pancreatitis have been identified as the official cause of death.

In 2010, a human rights activist and then leader of the Helsinki Group in Moscow wrote in an open letter to the Russian government that Magnicki’s death had been caused by deliberate ill-treatment.

An initial investigation by the Human Rights Council showed that Magnicki was brutally beaten and was not treated.

In 2012, the United States passed the Magnicki Act, which allowed Washington to impose sanctions on people accused of human rights abuses in Russia. Later, the law was expanded: sanctions can be imposed on citizens of other countries.

Over the years, the European Union, Canada and the United Kingdom have adopted their Magnickis laws. Lithuania became the fourth country in the world to do so.
