The specialist advised what to choose for breakfast – it will help lower cholesterol and strengthen immunity.


The purpose of the immune system is to protect the body from foreign proteins, harmful microorganisms, and other foreign bodies. The cells of the immune system also help to eliminate infected, old or diseased cells from our body, including cancer.

Immunity is how we can strengthen it and who is not dependent on us.

M. Lukštaraupis says that immunity consists of a set of specific and non-specific factors. The latter are not affected by us because a specific immunity develops after the onset of various diseases or after vaccination. Therefore, even a healthy person who pays a lot of attention to health, healthy food, rest, can get COVID-19 or some other viral or bacterial infection because their specific immune system will not have information on how to defend themselves against those specific pathogens. .

And non-specific immunity is responsible for the body’s resistance. It is he who depends on our way of life and actions that we can strengthen. Compared to lightning-specific immune responses to pathogens, non-specific body systems respond much more slowly, according to M. Lukštaraupis, here we compare minutes or hours with weeks.

“Pathogenic microorganisms or other harmful factors that enter the body mainly face various non-specific protective barriers of the body: skin, blood coagulation system, mucosal surface, gastric hydrochloric acid, intestinal microflora, sebaceous and sweat glands, nasal mucous membranes and others. If these permanent protection barriers are not enough, additional mechanisms are activated – coughing, sneezing, vomiting, diarrhea, which help to mechanically eliminate harmful microorganisms “, says the pharmacist.

Marius Lukštaraupis

Marius Lukštaraupis

© Photo of the organizers

According to M. Lukštarapi, the basis of well-being and the proper functioning of all body systems is a healthy lifestyle, where a balanced regime of work, rest and sleep, daily time for active physical activity, stress and, of course , healthy nutrition when choosing fresh, seasonal foods. The innate immune system will be able to function at full capacity.

The body prepares for the cold season.

Especially in August, when the body naturally prepares for the cold season of the year and the recalibration of hormones and other body systems takes place, it is worth helping your body to adapt to avoid stress, spending more time actively outdoors, proper nutrition. .

Oats, for example, are rich in soluble dietary fiber called beta glucan. This substance reinforces the protective functions of the immune system in the fight against foreign bodies. Beta glucan helps neutrophils travel faster to the site of infection and enhances their effects in fighting bacteria, viruses, or other microbes.



“Oatmeal also lowers cholesterol, regulates sugar and is of great help in preventing cardiovascular diseases. In August, you can start each morning with a bowl of whole grain oatmeal. Season with gooseberries, strawberries and apples that contain vitamin C. And the adrenal glands are positively affected by cinnamon, black currant leaf tea, marmalade and thistle tea, thyme, rosemary, basil ”, says the pharmacist.

Intestinal immunity

It has been shown that the intestinal microflora not only perfectly trains immunity, but can also have a positive effect in protecting against diseases of the upper respiratory tract, influenza.

“There are many bacteria in the human intestine that are vital. Not only do they help break down the food we eat into substances that our body can absorb, but they also prevent the growth of pathogenic bacteria. When the intestinal microflora is good, it is easier for the whole body: it mobilizes faster to react and resist negative environmental factors ”, says the pharmacist M. Lukštaraupis.



Offer to include a variety of colored vegetables, fermented products, as well as enough fiber in your daily diet.

“This will ensure the survival of the good bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract, because carbohydrates called fibrous substances are broken down in the human gastrointestinal tract by the microflora of the colon, not by digestive enzymes.

Most of the fiber is found in wheat bran, beans, raspberries, gooseberries, blueberries, strawberries, walnuts, dates, dried apricots, mushrooms, oats. Bread products with all parts of grain and whole wheat pasta are also rich in fiber, ”says the pharmacist.

You can also ensure a sufficient amount of fiber in your diet by taking fiber supplements, you can consume them daily, for example, add fiber to fruit smoothies, oatmeal or just a teaspoon of fiber, pour 200 ml of water and drink during the day.

Not only what we eat is important, but also what we do

The systems of the human body work by adapting not only to the seasons, but also to the time of day. The hormonal regulatory system plays an important role here: to wake up after a night’s sleep and be ready for an energetic day, the cortisol produced by the adrenal glands rises to peak levels in the morning, around 7-8 hours . For a while, this hormone remains at its peak, but in the afternoon it begins to decline, so the body is ready to rest.

“It is important to respect the biological rhythms of the day and plan energy-intensive activities in the first half of the day, at night to have time to relax and calm down. I would also advise exercising in the morning, since physical activity is active at night it weakens the body and alters the quality of sleep. It weakens the immune system “, says M. Lukštaraupis.

Get enough sleep

Many important processes take place during sleep. As cortisol levels decline, growth hormone, which is essential not only for children but also for adults, reaches its peak: it helps restore damaged body systems. Therefore, sleep is especially important in case of illness, recovery from illness, feeling of both physical and emotional fatigue.

Sleep in the hot summer

Sleep in the hot summer

“The need for sleep can be individual, but it is estimated that it takes an average of 8 hours to process the information collected by the body during the day, and 10 hours for children and adolescents. Sleep at night. But you need more sleep if you are sick, have exercised a lot during the day, and have experienced stress. In such cases, the body needs to restore damaged systems, muscle fibers, etc. “Says the pharmacist, adding that not only the quantity of sleep, but also the quality is important.

So avoid screens, bright lights, and other active stimuli before bed. After all, the most important thing is the first sleep cycle, which is the longest. To rest effectively, you must go to bed before midnight.

Vitamins and trace elements

Adequate vitamins and minerals are essential to keep the immune system functioning properly. It is better to do it according to the principles of seasonality and food diversity.

“Today, Lithuania is rich in local berries, fruits and vegetables. So let’s eat the products grown here first, because the fresher and more varied they are, the more likely we are to get enough vitamins and minerals. In winter, let’s eat more pickled vegetables than imported exotic fruits. Also, in winter, frozen vegetables tend to be more valuable than imported “fresh” ones on store shelves, “says the pharmacist.



Selenium, magnesium, zinc, iron, copper, iodine, vitamins C, D and B are especially important for the immune system.

Selenas. Participates in the synthesis of thyroid hormones, stimulates and strengthens the immune system, reduces inflammation, promotes hair growth, slows aging, helps reduce thyroid antibodies.

Selenium has nuts, tuna, chocolate, coffee, pork kidney, sea fish, egg yolk, garlic.

Zinc. This trace mineral helps to strengthen the immune system, accelerates wound healing, slows down hair loss, is important for nails and skin. Zinc stimulates metabolism, participates in the synthesis of thyroid hormones, helps fight colds and increases the effectiveness of vitamin A, protects against osteoporosis. However, the pharmacist warns that zinc reduces the absorption of iron and copper.

Zinc is rich in lamb, beef, oysters, beef liver, shrimp, herring, cheese, cereals, beans, nuts, pumpkin, and sunflower seeds.

Iron. Iron deficiency affects the synthesis of thyroid hormones, it can lead to anemia, depression and a weakening of the immune system. It is better to take iron with vitamins C and E, since calcium impairs the absorption of iron, so it is recommended to take a break of 6 to 12 hours between them.

Iron is rich in spinach, mollusks, beef liver, veal, egg yolk, nettles, lentils.

Vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid. Strengthens blood vessels, improves iron absorption, helps remove heavy metals from the body, reduces fatigue, strengthens immunity: in the human body, it increases the amount of interferon in the blood, in addition to protecting cells from viruses and prevent them from penetrating. inside.

The human body does not synthesize vitamin C, so we need to get it from food. Just remember that ascorbic acid is unstable and a lot breaks down during cooking. Vitamin C breaks down quickly at high temperatures when exposed to oxygen, sunlight, and heavy metals. The stores of vitamin C in fresh produce decrease even when stored: after three days in the refrigerator, fresh vegetables lose about 30 percent. vitamin C.

You will get vitamin C from eating red and yellow bell peppers, bitch cabbage, green parsley leaves, cauliflower, cabbage, black currants, strawberries, apples, citrus fruits.

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