the source of the stench cannot be found as early as the third day


Representatives of the Department of Environmental Protection say that on Wednesday the situation is better and the city smells almost unpleasant, but whoever filled the air of the city with the smell of manure cannot answer.

“During yesterday and today, the officials of the Kaunas Environmental Protection Inspectorate (Kaunas SAI) are looking for a source of unpleasant odor, which has been felt in Kaunas since Monday night.

Many objects were inspected for the source of contamination, such as sewers, waste sorting sites, a sewage treatment plant, a landfill, etc. Today, the SAIs of Kaunas used the help of the officials of the District Environmental Protection Inspectorate, after their inspection of the surrounding territories, no possible sources of contamination were detected ”. reported by the AAD.

Although the eyes of most Kaunas residents turn to nearby sewage treatment and waste management companies, the latter believe that the city’s odor culprits should be found elsewhere.

“No faults were detected in any of the networks. There are also no faults in the sewage treatment plants that could cause such an odor. And the odor spread not only in Kaunas, but also in the Kaunas district, it was felt even at 20 km outside of Kaunas, therefore, it cannot be a problem of the city of Kaunas related to the sewerage networks ”, says Darius Gražys, Technical Director of UAB Kauno vandenys.

According to Artūras Ketlerius, head of public relations at Ignitis grupė, the Kaunas cogeneration power plant near the road was unable to diffuse the odor. “The Kaunas cogeneration plant works in normal mode, the odors do not spread to the outside, the smell is not felt in the territory of the plant,” he says.

The Kaunas Regional Waste Management Center (RATC) also assures that the culprits of the odor in the city are not them.

“It is not the smell of waste, it is the smell of manure / feces. No faults that could have caused unpleasant odors in the Kaunas MBA plant were detected, nor did the environmental protection detect violations”, – the portal reported Violeta Dumčienė, Director of Operations Management.

“Our production manager communicates with the environment almost every day, and today there were environmentalists, investigating, verifying, without finding anything. Last week there were experts from Italy, watching the technology, rejoicing at how things had improved. At least now, we are definitely not responsible for those odors that are more reminiscent of sewage and have spread throughout the city, ”said a RATC spokesperson.

The National Center for Public Health reported that the Kaunas Department had received several dozen reports of odors from residents of Kaunas. For those concerned about the unpleasant health effects of the odor, the NVSC says that “it will be possible to judge the effects of this odor on the health of the population by knowing the source of the odor.”

Since the source of the odors is not yet clear, the AAD says it will try to test farmers.

“Also, in cooperation with the elders, information is collected about farmers who may have fertilized the fields or spread the smell of manure in other ways these days. The search for the source of the manure odor continues today, “the AAD reported.
