The soul of Juodkrante went to Anapilin: the guide A. Balna knew each historical village of the resort


“He did not complain about his health at work”, 15 minutes said Sonata Vaitonienė, director of the Liudvikas Rėza Juodkrante Center.

In this center, A. Balna worked part-time as an organizer of cultural events and devoted the rest of his time to teaching.

“He also had a guide certificate around the Curonian Spit, Nida, which was his activity. He gave up all the time. Lovely personality. Very big loss. He lived in Juodkrante for many years, when he married a woman from this region, ”said the manager.

Counted by hours and hours

“Pro Memoria – for Arūnas Balna de Juodkrante” is published on the account of the social network of the L.Rėza Center.

It was prepared by Raimonda Meyer-Ravaitytė.

As announced, on July 29, Arūnas Balna did not know it, for the last time, while taking a tour of the historical center of the Juodkrante villas.

This time, as indicated, a record number of people, up to forty-five, got together on purpose, and the 2.5-hour tour lasted up to 3.5 hours.

“The questions were endless, and Arūnas said that he did not know how to finish… Despite the exhaustion, his eyes shone and he confessed to his colleagues:“ How happy I am to do what I can do better! “The” Juodkrantės vilų kvartalas “tour was his” baby “- he did the tour himself, after all he collected material – from all available sources.

Photo of the L. Rėza Cultural Center / Arūnas Balna

Photo of the L. Rėza Cultural Center / Arūnas Balna

Tourists went not only to this, but also to other excursions of his on several occasions – word spread about the guide who lives in Juodkrante. Arūnas quickly caught the attention of journalists: he could be seen on television, he was heard on the radio, conversations with him were published in the newspapers … “, writes” Pro Memoria “.

According to one from Klaipėda, Arūnas was a walking encyclopedia of Juodkrante, extremely sincere and loving to her listeners.

People followed him, as once in Klaipeda, – then he – a young teacher of Russian language and literature – was followed by groups of students … School and excursions are two vocations of his life, the first – related to the acquired profession, the second – to become a way of life.

Personal bow.  photo / Arūnas Balna

Personal bow. photo / Arūnas Balna

He taught Russian language and literature.

Arūnas was born on March 11, 1960 in the town of Traupis, Anykščiai district, he was the eldest son of the Balnai family, and his brother Vilmantas, who was three years younger, grew up without him.

Mother Viktorija is a teacher of Lithuanian language and literature, Father Osvaldas is a man with golden hands, a teacher of all purposes.

A talented young man from a remote province had even come to Moscow; Arūnas was studying economics at Lomonosov University, but his illness changed; He was unable to continue his studies after the second year and was immediately admitted to the Soviet Army; spent two more years in Yakaterinburg, Russia.

Subsequently, he studied at the Faculty of Russian Language and Literature of the Vilnius Pedagogical Institute, after graduating in 1987 he obtained the title of professor and arrived in Klaipeda with an appointment.

He taught Russian language and literature at the current Ąžuolynas Gymnasium.

As he admitted in the last radio interview, Arūnas “came” to Juodkrante in 1992, in his mother’s words, becoming an emigrant of love: his son Žilvinas and daughter Banga were married.

In the Juodkrante school, the children were taught geography, jobs and physical education, until one day they went to work for “more profitable” jobs – to become a road worker, a worker in a national park sawmill – unfortunately, he didn’t bring her a fuller bite. or satisfaction.

Having started a new family, Arūnas did not leave Juodkrante – he brought his wife Gintare here, and their son Rapolas was born here.

Participated in battles

When A. Balna was accepted as an organizer of cultural events at the Liudvikas Rėza Cultural Center in Juodkrante in 2015, he was allowed to return to his true calling: teaching others and learning for himself.

Those responsible for the center entrusted him with the conduct of events and the training of people on guided tours. Arūnas became a member of the Klaipėda County Guilds Guild.

Due to his new hobby – he and his wife Gintare were passionate about the intellectual games marathon – they went to Klaipėda every Monday for eight years to participate in mental battles and began to organize them in Neringa.

Now we could only sigh painfully: an unexpected death stopped Arūnas at the most mature and creative moment of his life. Then, when he became himself, he gained confidence, when knowledge became knowledge, when recognition came, the trip was interrupted.

Personal bow.  photo / Arūnas Balna

Personal bow. photo / Arūnas Balna

We – your relatives, co-workers, friends, acquaintances, neighbors – travelers near and far – bow our heads and thank Fate for allowing us to meet the beautiful Man: a charismatic and charming fairy with her stories, an irreplaceable Juodkrante guide, a real Juodkrante and Neringa sincere, willing to help others friend, colleague, patient man, attentive father, someone who can make fun of …

And a poet, true, without titles, but without fear of opening up and sharing his soulmates with us. Do you hear the poetic voice of Arūnas trembling silently? ”It is shared on the social network.

“Rest, dear Arūnas, in the land of the light of Juodkrante, here, where you are and will always be at home. After all, you have said many times:
“The sun will rise in the east,
Light, lie down in the sea to spend the night,
I live here
And in other places, I no longer pay, “he writes on the social network.
