The social worker cannot forget in any way the abused child’s behavior: it was the most terrifying


Before joining as a social worker, Samantha worked as a social pedagogue at the school for four years. According to her, the work is radically different: in the past I had to work with children, now on the contrary, the focus is on adults and families. “I touch children when we go to visit families at home or when we need help solving problems,” said the interviewee with a smile.

After the “honeymoon,” help from officials is also needed.

What problems do foster families face? “Foster children come from families at social risk, they do not have the appropriate skills. Children have often experienced violence, neglect, behavioral problems, developmental, emotional disorders, a host of health problems, and much work is needed with them. The pupils do not know the rules, they do not know how to communicate, how to speak, eat, wash, prepare lessons … Nobody taught them, they did not set an example, “he mentioned the most common difficulties.

The training encourages families to take on challenges. “The goal is not to teach, but to prepare for the challenges you will likely face. Such children should be praised as much as possible, encouraged, supported, listened to, trusted and believed, allowed to feel safe, cared for, loved, wrong and then learn from their mistakes, talking a lot and leading by not experimenting on their families. These are the simplest things that can open the way to a child’s heart, help achieve good results, “said S. Lapinskaitė.

The social worker cannot forget in any way the abused child's behavior: it was the most terrifying

Samanta Lapinskaitė with her sister

© Personal album

It seems that only after taking the baby, everything is fine, but a little later several problems begin. “We call the beginning of the well-known ‘honeymoon’, it is a time when everything is fine. Later, the challenges are so great that sometimes the help of ambulances or police officers is needed. Painful stories happen, don’t you you will get away from nowhere. So that caregivers are not scared, they need to know in advance who they are dealing with, and it is important that they are brave, patient and that they call us right away in case of problems. We can be glad that such painful events are little common, “said the interlocutor.

Adolescents in foster care begin to rebel; after all, there were no rules or traditions in their homes, and all of this is forming in foster homes.

“Once a child gets used to it, they often begin to show misbehavior. Available before throwing things or even breaking dishes. Caregivers have experienced anger attacks from a child, during which the child can raise their hand against the caregiver or the child growing up together, it all happens, “said the social worker, adding that such situations can scare caregivers. But here it is important not to give up, to be very patient, to know that there are people who are always ready to help and support.

From what he saw, he squeezed his heart.

If caregivers have problems, they contact the care coordinator themselves. “People are not afraid, they ask for help, we are all trying to solve the difficulties together,” said S. Lapinskaitė.

When asked which case was most memorable throughout the year of work, the interviewee said that she was more affected by the image she saw: the girl was waiting for specialists to take her to the caregivers and she had already loaded her belongings.

“It is the most terrifying thing: a child carries a small suitcase and wants to leave his house. I was surprised, it pains me to see him. I had not experienced that, I did not even imagine what it could be. Sometimes, children run away from home, the police He finds them and the psychologists unite: hearts open and everything gradually improves. But in this case … You don’t see these things every day, “S. Lapinskaitė shared his experience.

Maybe it’s just a children’s fashion? “If we consider the situation as an invention of a child, it can end in big problems; so that there are no spoonfuls later in the afternoon,” he spoke of serious signs.

The most common problems are alcoholism. “Both parents drink, there is no safe environment for the child.” You never know what could happen or if he is not at risk of violence. Anyway, nobody takes children away from home, they must endanger safety and life, “he explained.

The social worker cannot forget in any way the abused child's behavior: it was the most terrifying

Samanta Lapinskaitė

© Personal album

Want to go to work every morning

When choosing the profession, S. Lapinskaitė thought about the job of a police officer or a military man, but due to health he had to abandon this idea. I had to choose an area closer to these professions: I became a social worker. “I am happy with this work, there is help and communication here. People open up, they say to themselves, they think they can help solve problems,” said Samanta with enthusiasm.

She is particularly pleased when families who cannot make their children find neighborhoods. “He raises his face when he is found. This is very positive! You get up every morning, you want to go to work. If we find a family that meets the needs of the child, we jump for joy, both the child and the family are happy ”, the interlocutor revealed the happy side of work.

There are also difficult times at work when you have to shed tears. “There are painful moments. But when
temporary guardians are building the child on their feet, and the biological family is improving, they want to move on, “said S. Lapinskaitė.

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