The Social Democrats affirm that the government of I. Šimonytė hides the plan where and how it will spend 2,200 million. euros


At the same time, the acting chairman of the Social Democratic Party, Mindaugas Sinkevičius, criticized the current government, reminding them of what the current rulers had said about the Saulius Skvernelis government.

Will you change the rules of the game?

Vytautas Sinkevičius, a professor at Mykolas Romeris University (MRU), previously stated that direct mayoral elections are in conflict with the Constitution. According to him, the Constitution establishes equal rights for all members of the municipal council, so the working group for the review of electoral systems convened in the Seimas must await the final verdict of the Constitutional Court (CC), which is scheduled for April 17. and then decide how to properly regulate the mayoral election procedure.

During the council meeting, the acting chairman of the Social Democratic Party Mindaugas Sinkevičius stated that the Constitutional Court may say this week that direct mayoral elections are unconstitutional, so the LSDP must be prepared to react to such a decision.

“The question for us Social Democrats is also what position will we take: if we accept the current system of direct elections for mayors, which, by the way, has the support of more than 80% of the population? population of the country. This is a system that voters like.

It is about whether we will try to change the Constitution or re-level everything at the initiative of the Conservatives, it seems. Although no member of the Seimas has signed, the provider is Andrius Kupčinskas, former mayor of Kaunas. Apparently, the bitterness of the defeat against Visvaldas Matijošaitis forced him to appear before the CC and ask for a verdict, ”said M.Sinkevičius.

According to him, if the CC really says that the direct elections of the mayor are in conflict with the Constitution, then the Social Democratic Party and the Seimas faction must take a clear position.

“Our position, not the position that is imposed on us. It is obvious that not everything will end with the municipal elections, there is a review group formed for everyone by the electoral law, from the Seimas to the president. Apparently, they want to look at the rules of the play and redraw them in a way that is more suitable for those in power now, ”said M.Sinkevičius.

He recalled previous reviews

M.Sinkevičius also criticized the Government of Prime Minister Ingrida Šimonytė.

“We can retrospectively compare the situation we had with the Skvernel government with the situation we have now. The conclusion is that it was easy to criticize the current rulers. They were not properly prepared to take over and organize the exit from the pandemic, to handle the situation in a different way, ”said M.Sinkevičius.

According to him, there were many politically correct speeches that would be different: that there would be no chaos in communication, that the scope of the economic restriction would be reviewed.

“Probably everyone remembers the rumors that it is amazing how the previous government could not help companies in time, which are stagnant because they are not working because they have to pay taxes on the premises and there is no activity,” recalled the Social Democrat. .

When evaluating the vaccination process, M.Sinkevičius stated that the priority glue should be made like rubber, so that everyone can fit in it and everyone is satisfied, but it is not successful.

“This government has more desire, shows more empathy, on the other hand, it is only the beginning of the work. You can already see that some statements, such as “If you don’t like it, you can elect a new government in four years,” apparently also demonstrate the psychological state of the government, “he said.

M. Sinkevičius: The government of I. Šimonytė is hiding the plan, where and how it will spend 2.2 billion. euros

M.Sinkevičius says that the Government is hiding the plan that is being prepared from politicians and the public, where and how the European Commission (EC) will spend 2.2 billion. a grant to recover from a pandemic.

M. Sinkevičius affirms that such a plan should be presented to the EC at the end of April, but there is no discussion about it in the country.

Who saw that plan? Nobody saw it. Neither the association of municipalities nor the associated business structures. Nothing is known, only beautiful presentations and beautiful words that, behold, the Ministry of Finance will demonstrate a strategic advance and that everything will be fine. Other countries presented plans as early as February; Latvia, Greece, Poland and many countries overtook us, ”said M. Sinkevičius.

According to him, such government behavior is unjustified, like 2.2 billion. The euro is too significant a quantity for Lithuania and its people.

“How can we react to that amount in a few weeks, if that plan is presented? Opinion of the municipality is probably not needed. The government apparently thinks that they are the wisest, the best, they know how to invest 2.2 billion in Lithuania. euros and we’ll all be led to a brilliant tomorrow. It’s just not clear if we’ll see it. It is obvious that the prevailing opinion is that Vilnius always knows best. And nobody seems to care, “said M. Sinkevičius.
