The situation at the dog farm is heating up: volunteer cars collided, hand injuries, one person is already in custody


A man who has been torturing dogs in the neighborhood has long complained

After the shameful images spread from the warehouse in the Kėdainiai district, where the dogs are bred illegally, netizens joined the group “Save the animals from hell”, where they called for the rescue of dogs that could be raised in Kėdainiai , Tauragė and Širvintos. Volunteers invited members of the group to join in and go to rescue animals kept in cruel conditions. Throughout the weekend, the group actively shared broadcasts and photos of the locations.

On Sunday evening, among the volunteers who went to Širvintos were Germantė Goršečnikovaitė, with Delphi sharing the experience of rescuing animals. According to her, a man who tortures animals in Širvintos lives in the neighborhood of his grandparents; Although many attempts have been made in the past to save the animals that you keep in different locations, they have failed to do so.

“From day one, I follow the news about the exploitation of animals in different Lithuanian cities, so last night I joined the animal rescue operation in Širvintos. My grandparents are neighbors of the animal torturer. We have known this situation for a long time, there it was explained many years ago because people complained, but nobody reacted. In fact, our legs, arms and voice tremble when it comes to the animals we find there, ”says G. Goršečnikovaitė.

Among the dogs are bags with dead puppies

According to the volunteer, the grandparents’ neighbor has about a dozen animals in different places. Volunteers surveyed the area on Sunday, but weren’t allowed in everywhere, so the actual figures remain unclear.

“Yesterday we found three cubs in Pergalės street, behind his house, there were also hawks, chickens and ducks. Dogs screeched nearby, but we couldn’t get into their territory. Later we went to the hangars on Lentpjūvės street, there we found lousy dogs that were very shy, some did not even feed. Then we went to the garages where there were dogs and kittens, but we couldn’t get there. The team of volunteers was accompanied by policemen, who watched us closely, they did not let them pass, as if they were hiding something ”, the volunteer shares his experience in rescuing animals.

The volunteers were scared not only by the condition of the dogs found in Širvintos, but also by the surrounding environment. According to G. Goršečnikovaitė, the volunteers saw the skeletons, skin and bones of the dogs in the places they visited; they suspect that this person’s animals may be burned. It is true that this morning the volunteers received another shocking message: near the garages they found dead puppies tied in a bag.

Illegal dog kennels

Illegal dog kennels

“Although yesterday they could not enter the garage, today the volunteers entered and found small dead puppies in bags. Bones, dog skeletons, skins were thrown, we took pictures of everything. My grandparents are obsessed with having such a person in the neighborhood. Not a person, but a superhuman, neither without feelings nor without heart “, scares G. Goršečnikovaitė.

On Monday, employees of the State Food and Veterinary Service came to inspect the nurseries in Širvintos. According to Živilė Pinskuvienė, the former mayor of the Širvintos district, together with the volunteers, the SFVS commission, having assessed the state of the animals and the conditions for keeping them, made the decision to allow all the dogs to remain there in temporary custody .

“The investigation is not yet complete: an inspection is currently underway in another direction, documents of the animals held by the owner are being reviewed and a final conclusion is being prepared.” The inspections are also carried out by environmental specialists, ”writes Ž. Pinskuvienė.

The animals housed in “Klajūne” are in terrible condition, intimidated.

Klajūnas, an animal care organization that housed animals kept in dire conditions in Širvintos district, announced a live broadcast this morning, which could see the rescued animals from the kennel. The shelter manager, Ilma Germanienė, says that the condition of the animals is extremely bad: the animals have diarrhea, they are exhausted, the two dogs are particularly shy, they do not allow access and they see that they have not had contact with humans.

“From what I could see, there are endless fleas: full coat. All the dogs they brought in yesterday have terrible diarrhea. I don’t know what they were fed with, I don’t know what was being done, but with digestion there are problems really big. One of the dogs is pregnant, probably the least stressful. Her eyebrows have been pierced, her ears have been pierced and it seems that the birth will not be that far, “says I. Germanienė.

He also adds that he is currently waiting for a veterinarian to examine the animals and be able to assess their condition more accurately, which can be difficult as some animals appear to be very intimidated and avoid any contact with humans.

“The most difficult thing will be to determine the state of the two eyes. One of them is hiding on the road all the time, the other one is hanging around all the time. They are afraid of any eye contact or eye contact, ”says the shelter manager.

You have previously received fines of € 25 and € 50 for abandoned animals

On Monday, the dog rescue operation also takes place in Kėdainiai district, Pilioniai village. After receiving information that several dozen dogs can be kept in appalling condition on a single farm along a busy road, volunteers indifferent to the fate of the four-legged tried to verify this information on Sunday.

The youths said they were not allowed to enter the farm, they faced aggression from people believed to be raising these dogs. It’s about being attacked, car crashes. It is true that the police have not yet officially commented on this information. There was also talk of a minibus, whose driver allegedly aggressively harassed volunteers.

Fearing that they would try to get the dogs out and hide them somewhere, the volunteers were on duty at the farm overnight. And on Monday, representatives of the local municipality, employees of the police, food and veterinary services also went to the Kėdainiai district.

The mayor of the Kėdainiai district, Valentinas Tamulis, told the “Delfi” portal that the owner of the house had already been punished twice in the past. According to V. Tamulis, the person received fines of 25 and 50 euros for the fact that her pets ran loose.

The locals talked much more about this farm and the dogs housed there. They said that for a long time everyone has known that their owner breeds dogs for sale.

When the people who were there did not allow the volunteers to enter the house, they decided to take a walk. The revealed image shocked,

There are at least a dozen of the ways dogs on chains live in the bushes near the farm.

In such deplorable conditions, it seems that the quadrupeds stay here all year round. This is suggested by the ground of your feet, the path around the grass long since ceased.

The dog’s owner also housed his pets on the bushy shores of a body of water that was very difficult to access. Bone remains can be seen nearby, and the dogs fed on them.

Dog remains perfectly illustrate how to care for quadrupeds. Significantly buried remains of at least two dogs were found.

It is not yet clear what fate awaits the imprisoned quadrupeds in the Kėdainiai district, the breweries. The volunteers want the quadrupeds to be released and the representatives of the various institutions decide what measures they can take.

I received many reports of an illegal kennel.

Kaunas County Main Police Station spokeswoman Odeta Vaitkevičienė reported that officers yesterday received up to three reports of incidents in the Kėdainiai district, Pilioniai village, where a possibly illegal kennel operates.

Officials were contacted twice Sunday afternoon. It was reported that dogs may be bred illegally in this town and you were asked to verify this information.

Soon the person, allegedly the owner of the house, contacted the police. He called for the help of police officers and claimed that passers-by had arrived at his private property with cars and did not respond to requests to leave.

Officials received the third report around 11 p.m. Callers indicated that three cars had been damaged and one of their drivers had been injured by a knock on the door of the same farm in the village of Pilioniai, where a dog colony.

“A pre-trial investigation has been launched into this incident. Resisted when police officers tried to arrest a person born in 1959. Therefore, another pre-trial investigation was launched into police resistance. This person has been detained. ”Said O. Vaitkevičienė.

When asked if the alleged dog breeder, the ranch owner, the police representative was in custody, he said he could not clarify this information.

The SFVS has launched an investigation into the housing conditions of the animals

According to the BNS, the State Food and Veterinary Service (SFVS) has already initiated investigations into animal husbandry conditions in the Kretinga, Širvintos and Tauragė districts.

In all these cases, an inspection has been started. The investigation begins with an inspection and will continue to depend on the material that is collected, ”Giedrius Blekaitis, advisor to the Department of Animal Health and Welfare, told BNS on Sunday.

According to him, several dozen cubs have been transferred to care institutions from potentially illegal animal kennels in Kretinga and Tauragė districts.

“25 puppies were transferred from the Kretinga district to Nuara, and in the Tauragė district the care of 10 puppies was taken over by another care organization,” said a representative of the Food and Veterinary Service.

He also added that on Sunday evening, colleagues are working in the Širvintos district.

“There is an inspection, colleagues assess the circumstances at the site. There is a large farm where not only dogs are raised,” said G. Blekaitis.

He wonders why the service had not been informed of these cases before, since the activity had probably gone on for years.

“It just came to our knowledge then. Perhaps the neighbors suspected some activity, because there were still dogs; after all, there were not one or ten dogs, but our institution had not received any notification before,” a service representative told BNS .
