The situation at the border is heating up: a place is being sought for a record number of illegal immigrants


The Alytus airfield and buildings have not been used for many years, but as the situation on the Lithuanian-Belarusian border worsened, more than 70 migrants stayed there over the weekend.

“They live in different rooms, we are divided into floors, the men live in different rooms on the second floor. And on the third floor, women,” Jurgita Šukevičienė, deputy mayor of Alytus, told LNK.

Although border guards state that the majority of Iraqis come from Belarus, the migrants claim to be from Africa.

“I am from Cameroon. I traveled from Belarus to Lithuania on foot for three days, ”said an illegal migrant.

The newcomers say they studied in Grodno but couldn’t find a job. Some were reportedly evicted from student dormitories and had to leave Belarus.

“I had no peace, I couldn’t study in Belarus. That’s why I had to move to another country to study, so I’m here today, I want to study in Paris, ”said another illegal immigrant.

On Friday, Alytus authorities helped house the migrants in Kapčiamiestis, Lazdijai district. And now we have to accept them ourselves. Hundreds of illegal detainees seek municipalities on the Belarusian border to receive foreigners. Interior Minister A. Bilotaitė also visited the visitors staying on Sunday.

The situation at the border is heating up: a place is being sought for a record number of illegal immigrants


Alytus authorities say 71 newcomers are the limit of their possibilities. There will be no more of them on the airfield and the city has no other unused premises.

But the most important question for the local government is who will pay for the lives of strangers.

“The budget is tight enough and we cannot compensate for such sudden costs. If this mechanism triggers an emergency situation, that compensation would be from the state reserve,” explained J. Šukevičienė, deputy mayor of Alytus.

Interior Minister A. Bilotaitė told reporters that, as during the coronavirus pandemic, the funds will also be reimbursed through a government resolution.

“It just came to our knowledge then. We have asked the municipalities to give us their options before July 7. And, of course, an economic and other necessity,” he explained.

Illegal immigrants will live at the Alytus airport for 10 days; it will take some time for them to isolate themselves from the coronavirus.

Some arrived in Lithuania without shoes, barefoot, others with health problems. And the Red Cross can’t even write down the wishes of the visitors.

“They ask for the most necessary hygiene items: toothbrush, soap, toothpaste. Some of them have health problems, ask for medicine. Our organization can help and buy medicine only if they have a prescription, “said Aldona Turauskytė, director of the Alytus branch of the Red Cross in LNK.

The closest locals are just a few dozen steps from Alytus Airport. And what is happening in their neighborhood scares them. They say they won’t let the grandchildren out or go to the store themselves.

Border guards ensure that the migrants are calm and no longer organize attacks.

“We are afraid of problems, of noise. We did not expect that we could do it here …” said a local resident. He said that his neighbors are also very hostile.

The situation at the border is heating up: a place is being sought for a record number of illegal immigrants

© DELFI / Domantas Pipas

However, migrants housed in the municipalities can only further fuel the hostility of the local population. It is decided where to transport the migrants from the last day: a record number of 160 migrants crossed the border. And again, almost everyone headed towards Druskininkai through the legendary Raigardas Valley.

Border guards say they even saw the cameras move to catch them faster.

“There is a lot of work, because when they are detained, it is necessary to organize their transport, meals and form various procedures. Officers also work every weekend. They don’t sleep much, but they are ready to continue working, ”said Virgilijus Raugalė, the commander of the Varėna border team.

On Saturday, they illegally stayed in the resort town of Druskininkai for a long time; They took them not only to Alytus, but also to Pabradė and Ignalina.

Newcomers will be staying in the Varėna district, an empty school will be handed over to strangers, and now it will be auctioned. Although before the mayor said that the school is not suitable for accommodation.

“When municipalities have more freedom to decide and the situation is not as it is now, it is a single decision or approach. Now the situation is such that the government has declared an emergency situation in this matter and the municipalities are obliged to help, ”Algis Kašėta, mayor of Varėna district, told LNK.

This year, 1,000 illegal immigrants from Belarus have already tried to enter Lithuania. This number is almost 12 times higher than last year.
