The silence on the city streets was short-lived: in November, Lithuanians ignored the calls and moved on.


In November, the authorities registered 1,759 accidents in the country, 330 less than in October and 385 less than in September, when 21.64 accidents were registered in the country during the month, a similar figure in July and June.

However, during the first wave of the pandemic in the spring, people were much more disciplined and, judging by recorded traffic accidents, took to the streets much less often. For example, in May a total of 1936 accidents were registered, in April – 1269 and in March – 1477. Before the pandemic – in February and January – more than 2 thousand cases were registered. traffic accidents.

In the spring – fall

The difference between the situation on the country’s roads and streets during the first wave of coronavirus in the spring and in the following months is particularly marked when it comes to traffic accidents that have left people dead or injured.

These data are published by the Department of Statistics. According to the data available to it, there were 130 traffic accidents of this type last April, the lowest figure for the entire year. Last March, in the middle of which the quarantine was introduced, 150 traffic accidents were recorded, in May – 212.

Ugnė Českevičiūtė Infographer / Traffic Accident Statistics

Ugnė Českevičiūtė Infographer / Traffic Accident Statistics

However, in the summer, the number of injured traffic accidents on the country’s highways began to increase rapidly: 309 were recorded in June, 326 in July, 335 in August, 351 in September and 279 in October.

This year a total of 2,762 accidents with people were registered (last year there were 2,922). They injured 3,169 people or 302 fewer than last year.

This year, 156 people died in traffic accidents, up from 170 last year.

Crime also decreased

In addition, this year there are fewer crimes than last year. According to the Police Department, 38,1 thousand people were registered in the country in 10 months. crimes, and last year during the same period they were 41.1 thousand.

The highest number of crimes was registered in January, June and July of this year, the lowest, in April, September and October.

This year, when people spent more time at home, there were fewer burglaries. In ten months, almost 8.3 thousand of them were fulfilled, in the same period last year, almost 9.6 thousand.

But police officers are 7 percent concerned this year. increase in the number of homicides and serious health problems. This year also 2 percent. the number of computer crimes has increased.

There was less movement, more violence

The country’s police previously acknowledged that they did not expect such a steep rise in homicides during the quarantine. Last May, Rolandas Kiškis, head of the Criminal Police Office, announced that the number of murders in the country had increased by up to 122 percent during the quarantine. He then argued that most of these crimes were due to the consequences of domestic violence, drunkenness. It was explained that the outbreak of violence was due to an excessive stay at home and the consequent friction between people.

The country’s police predicted that traffic restrictions could increase the number of cases of domestic violence, murder and attempted murder, but the drastic increase in their number surprised officials.

“We did not expect such an increase”, admitted then the head of the Criminal Police.

According to R. Kiškis, it was predicted that there would be many criminal acts in the electronic space, cases of fraud, telephone and bank fraud, robberies in commercial places. However, these predictions did not materialize and the total number of crimes decreased.
