The Šiauliai Hospital doctor was surprised to see the transferred salary: the version of the medical institution is different


True, the hospital representatives say the opposite: the salaries of doctors did not drop, but even steadily increased.

The son of the doctor from the Šiauliai Hospital, who addressed the portal “Delfi” and whose name is known to the editorial staff, wrote: “During this period, it is difficult for everyone to survive both financially and morally, health and well-being is the more difficult. Medical professionals have been going through difficult times for a long time due to their very low monthly salary, when working in this field is very risky and requires a lot of personal health, endurance, strength even in the absence of COVID-19, but even more so, even a pandemic.

My mother has been working at the Šiauliai Republican Hospital for about 20 years and the situation has never been as bad as it is now. On April 12, 2021, she and other field employees were paid a monthly salary, my mother was 550 euros (this salary is 1.5 positions). The salary of all employees has been reduced by 200 euros, which is sheer nonsense. For some employees, the salary was less than 500 euros.

The Šiauliai Hospital doctor was surprised to see the transferred salary: the version of the medical institution is different

© DELFI / Nerijus Povilaitis

The accounting department of the Republican Hospital Šiauliai explained that those 200 euros were always just a few bonuses. If you want to get some money or a living wage, you need to work in the COVID-19 department itself, although my mother and the rest of the anesthesiology department staff who treat these patients on a daily basis do not receive a higher salary.

This situation is like a circus, so years of studying higher medical education, working so long and still working in such a difficult situation and getting a bare minimum is just a big joke. It is not life, it is survival. “

Sonata Tenytė, a public relations specialist at Šiauliai Republican Hospital, when asked whether the salaries of hospital employees were actually reduced, said: “The information provided in the letter does not correspond to the real situation regarding the current salary organization and the situation at the Šiauliai Republican Hospital. In recent years, the salaries of the employees of the Šiauliai Republican Hospital have been growing steadily.

Compared to 2019, the average monthly salary of a hospital employee increased by 27.4%: 31.2% for doctors and 32.2% for nurses, ”said S. Tenytė, who also presented the Republican Hospital Šiauliai. The average monthly salary of doctors and nurses in 2019 and 2020 data showing that the average salary of doctors went from € 2,804 in 2019 to € 3,633 in 2020, and that of nurses of nurses from € 1,269 to € 1,736, respectively.

The Šiauliai Hospital doctor was surprised to see the transferred salary: the version of the medical institution is different

© Tomas Preikša

You can find more detailed information on the salaries of all employees of the Šiauliai Republican Hospital here:

“During a pandemic, employees who provide services to patients with COVID-19 receive a higher salary.

In order to comment more precisely on the situation in more detail, it would be important to know what the specific case is in order to verify the data. We encourage employees to turn to hospital administration specialists, according to problem issues, to smoothly clarify and resolve issues, uncertainties and inaccuracies, ”invited S. Tenytė.

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