The short organized a fiery rally, but the number of participants was disappointing.


Gathering his supporters at a highly publicized rally in Talsi, Oklahoma, the Republican president sought to revitalize his campaign in the face of a serious economic and health crisis and recent protests against racial injustice.

Trump said he had almost overcome a pandemic that had killed about 120,000 American Lives. “I did an extraordinary job!” He said. Meanwhile, six members of his team in Talsi were screened for coronavirus infection with COVID-19.

The White House has promised that up to 100,000 people will participate in the rally. people, but 19 thousand. The seating arena in which D. Trump spoke was not full.

Trump wanted to regain political success after several difficult weeks as the economic problems related to the pandemic continued, protests against racial injustice spread across the country, statues of Confederates and others were toppled, and critics, including several former aides, ruthlessly criticized the president’s work.

“The silent majority is stronger than ever,” Trump said in a speech in which he vehemently criticized his Democratic rival Joe Biden in the upcoming November elections. Trump called Biden a “helpless radical left puppet.”

“In five months, we will beat ‘sleepy’ Joe Biden,” he said.

“Crazy crowd of the left wing”

Many rallies wore red hats or T-shirts with Trump’s slogan “Make America Big Again”, but few wore masks or followed the rules of social distance, although the number of COVID-19 cases in Oklahoma has increased considerably recently.

The president played down the risk that the rally could spark a new coronavirus outbreak and ignored warnings from health and municipal officials in Talsi.

Trump, 74, said he was in good health when he spoke of a recent graduation ceremony in which he appeared tired.

“I will let you know if something goes wrong,” he said, adding: “Something is wrong with [Joe] Biden (Joe Biden), that’s what I can tell you. “

However, the image of a smooth campaign event faltered when campaign officials announced six hours before the demonstration that six members of Talsi’s team had contracted the coronavirus.

For much of his speech, Trump did not mention the racial tensions that ravaged the country after the May 25 Minneapolis incident, when George Floyd, a handcuffed African American, died as a result of harsh police action.

Instead, the president warned that Democrats are trying to erase America’s heritage.

“The crazy crowd of leftists is trying to destroy our history, desecrate our magnificent monuments, demolish our statues, and punish, underestimate, and persecute anyone who disobeys their demands for absolute and total control,” he said.

The stakes were high on Saturday: both for the health of the thousands of people gathered in the arena and for Trump’s political success five months before the election.

Campaign recovery?

The demonstration is controversial not only because of the danger of the virus. It was originally scheduled for Friday, during the anniversary of the abolition of slavery in the United States, in the city where one of the bloodiest massacres of African Americans took place.

The racial tensions that followed Floyd’s death were fueled by provocative rhetoric, including a tweeted threat to protesters against a demonstration in Talsi.

Dozens of protesters from the Black Lives Matter movement gathered at checkpoints around the rally site and argued with their participants, but there were no reports of violence.

This was Trump’s first demonstration since March 2, when quarantine measures were introduced in the country.

With Oklahoma’s strong support for Republicans, Trump’s goal was not to attract local people to his side, but to revive a campaign shaken by his response to the pandemic and racial tensions.

Polls show Trump is currently lagging behind Biden in popularity, and the president is eager to change that, and protests have long been his favorite political tool.

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