The short myth begins to crumble: impeachment becomes completely real


“Short – nationalist, populist – forgets. Like all nationalists and populists, his power is based on power, and when the United States sees him leave the White House in such glory, his myth begins to unravel,” Valentinavičius said in Delfi Day.

“Americans in particular were shocked by the images of the assault on Capitol Hill and the force in Congress. This may have cast doubt on Trump’s most loyal supporters,” he added.

According to V. Valentinavičius, the indictment of the former president is also becoming real.

“After the brief loss of power, I think it is entirely possible to be effectively impeached after the end of the term in the Senate, and Short will no longer have the right to hold any elected office after that,” said the political scientist.

What more Trump can do, according to the political scientist, also depends on the Republican Party, which, in his opinion, should start a new phase.

“If the Republican Party has already realized that Trump is not an advantage, but a disadvantage that Trump not only nearly led the country to ruin, but actually kills the Republican Party with his radicalism, demagoguery, and lies, then the Republican Party can solve this problem.

Republicans will need to start a new and smarter life, which is what they are already doing: Mike Pence attended the inauguration yesterday rather than choosing to escort Trump. Mitch McConnell also talks about the possibility of impeachment of Trump, “said V. Valentinavičius.

In his opinion, the promise of the new President Biden to unite the country is quite real, as he has the reputation of being a man who can speak to moderate Republicans.

“He has become a Democratic candidate because he has taken a centrist position, he is a unifier in his political school and he can do it,” the political scientist told Delfi Day.

J. Biden: D. Trump wrote me a “very noble” letter

US President Joe Biden said Wednesday that his predecessor, Donald Trump, had left him a “very noble” letter in keeping with tradition in the Oval Office of the White House.

“The president has written a very noble letter,” Biden told reporters at the White House.

“It’s private, so I won’t talk about it until I talk to him,” the new head of state said.

On Wednesday it was unclear whether Trump would follow the tradition of outgoing presidents of leaving letters to their heirs. The Republican did not participate in Biden’s inauguration on Wednesday, nor did he officially congratulate him on his election victory.

Defenders of the short complain of being ignored

Some of the nearly 75 million. Americans who voted for Donald Trump and refused to acknowledge President Joe Biden’s victory in Wednesday’s election, the inauguration of the new head of state, said their votes were undeservedly ignored.

The AFP news agency interviewed several Trump supporters to find out what the former leader’s next steps anticipate and how he sees the prospect of living in the United States under the new Democratic administration.

“They cheated”

“When Trump was sworn in, he was very happy,” said Gia Maxson, a yoga trainer and fervent Catholic who lives in Hickory, North Carolina.

“I participated in two Trump demonstrations. They were wonderful, uplifting and positive events, “he added.

Maxson refuses to believe that Trump supporters stormed the United States Capitol two weeks ago, despite the fact that those events were filmed with numerous cameras.

“It just came to our knowledge then [D. Trumpo rėmėjus] Mute. They tried everything they could from the beginning to get rid of it. In the end, they came up with a way to kill him, “he said.

“I’m afraid I’m angry, absolutely shocked that this happened in America,” she said.

Maxson said it was easy to watch broadcasts of the presidential inauguration ceremonies, but decided against watching this year.

“It just came to our attention then. I think they cheated. There is no way Biden could get $ 80 million. Maxson said, taking into account unfounded allegations that the presidential election had been rigged.

The AFP interlocutor also said that he was confident that Trump would not disappear from the political arena.

“I hope that a new party can be formed: the Patriots Party. That would be the best scenario: the end of the two-party system,” he emphasized.

“Unconstitutional” impeachment

Doug McLinko, a local councilor in Bradford County, Pennsylvania, told AFP he was concerned that the Democratic Party might try to abolish the Electoral College.

In that case, “rural America will no longer have a voice, only areas of the big cities,” he emphasized.

“This country has never been divided,” added McLinko. He was also resentful of some of the left-wing figures calling Trump supporters neo-Nazis.

“To name someone a Nazi, I don’t think there are worse words. And yet they do it, and then they talk about the unification of the country,” McLinko complained.

“I think [D. Trumpui Atstovų Rūmų surengta antroji] impeachment is completely unconstitutional. Apparently 75 million were forgotten. people who voted for him, ”said the man. He also added that he was convinced the movement of Trump supporters would continue.

“National populism is more than Donald Trump and it will not go away,” McLinko said.

Mistrust of J. Biden

“It seems to me that Biden is going to screw up everything Trump has done,” said Sharon McGettrick, a Clearwater, Florida-based health insurance company.

“I was hoping that we could continue to deal with this immigration situation, [įsirengdami] a border that, as they say now, will no longer be built ”, he explained.

“It just came to our attention then. We also intend to take off our weapons,” Sh said. McGettrick.

She said she was certain that the COVID-19 pandemic had been “staged” by China as a means of financially damaging the United States.

“It simply came to our knowledge then. Either you are rich or poor. I earn 31 thousand dollars (25.6 thousand euros) a year, and that, if you look at the statistics, means that I am poor,” said the woman.

“Maybe I shouldn’t be so arrogant and think that he is [J. Bidenas] “I will not work for our country, but I do not feel in him the confidence that I felt for Trump,” he said.

Short “will not go”

Tim Hearn, a small businessman living near Charlotte, North Carolina, said Washington politicians “created an environment in Congress that made it more of a job and a way of life than a service to the country.”

“The short returned to the United States jobs that had been relocated abroad by previous administrations, both Republicans and Democrats,” he said. – It wasn’t just a “red against blue” scenario. It was “America against the globalists.”

Hearn believes that power will increase under Biden, ruining his business.

“If you want to increase the minimum wage, it will also hurt us,” he added.

Hearn said he was convinced the Biden administration would do “everything possible” to “undo” the achievements of myopia.

“It just came to our knowledge then [D. Trumpo šalininkai] will not come out. People will continue to have incentives, “he added.

“If Trump doesn’t run again, I think there is a place to run [jo sūnui] For Don the Younger. I think he’s the only one who can take over the torch and carry it, “Hearn said.

Mr. Biden signed a series of orders, including the decision to join the climate agreement.

US President Joe Biden began his administration job Wednesday with the signing of a series of ordinances, including a decision to rejoin the Paris Climate Agreement and a requirement to wear masks in all federal buildings.

The new head of state signed a decree on U.S. membership in the World Health Organization, lifted his predecessor’s travel ban on citizens of predominantly Muslim states, and signed measures to strengthen environmental protection and combat the coronavirus pandemic. .

The directives also include a decision to suspend Trump’s planned border construction at the border with Mexico and measures to promote diversity and equality for minority groups in the federal government.

These orders overturn Trump’s decisions and set clear guidelines for the new administration’s policy. Mr. Biden signed the order a few hours after he took office as the 46th president of the United States.

“Some of the things that we will do will be bold,” Biden said in the Oval Office of the White House.

“We will fight climate change in a way that we have not yet done,” the president said of the return to the Paris climate agreement, an agreement signed by most countries in 2016 to limit global warming.

Biden said his actions in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, which had already collected $ 400,000 in the United States. lives will help change the course of the crisis.

Leaders of other states welcomed Biden’s decision to return to the Paris Climate Accord, which the United States joined when Barack Obama became president and Biden took over as vice president.

“Welcome back,” French President Emmanuel Macron said.

“We are together. We will be stronger to meet the challenges of today. Stronger in building our future. Stronger in protecting our planet,” he said.

United Nations Secretary General Antonio Guterres also welcomed the decision, saying it was a big step for the second largest carbon emitter.

“But there is still a long way to go,” he said in a statement.

“We hope the United States will lead the way in accelerating global efforts to achieve a zero carbon balance,” said Guterres, who called for new “ambitious” targets for 2030 and increased funding to combat climate change.

Former Secretary of State John Kerry, who was named Special Envoy for Climate Change by Biden, said the decision strengthens “America’s credibility and commitment” by “establishing the floor, not the ceiling, of our climate leadership.”

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