The ship moved the container in the Suez Canal, opening space in the canal.


Photo by Maxar Technologies / AP / Scanpix

In the shallows of the Suez Canal, the vessel MV Ever Given, which was blocked and blocked by him for almost a week, moved on Monday morning, opening the space in the canal, according to maritime surveillance services.

He added a comment from the head of the Suez Canal administration.

The Vesselfinder and Myshiptracking websites indicate that the stern of the MV Ever Given has moved away from the west bank of the canal.

Some media report that the ship has already been released, others that only partially.

Osama Rabei, head of the Suez Canal administration, says the ship has turned in the right direction.

The ship’s position was reoriented 80% in the right direction. The stern … moved 102 meters from shore, compared to the previous distance of 4 m from shore, O. Rabei said in the report.

Like Reo rao, the ship moved at 4:30 pm local time.

More than 300 ships carrying a wide range of cargo, from oil to cattle, are waiting to cross the canal, and some shipping companies are directing ships across the Good Hope River, sailing around Africa.

At night, various emulsifiers move around the MV Ever Given 27,000 cubic feet. m of mud and sand, and the tugs try to pull it.

Although the ship is damaged in the current situation, Shoei Kisen Kaisha Ltd., owner of MV Ever Given, dismissed such concerns on Monday, saying the ship’s engine was running and it could sail normally when released.

Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al Sisi ordered the loading of the ship on Sunday, the Washington Post reported, citing Osama Rabei, head of the Suez Canal administration.

Under his skin, the Egyptian president gave instructions to move to the third stage without waiting for the first and second failure.

The third crisis scenario, which is already underway this day, includes a container loading plan so that the ship can rise from the shallows, paymi Washington Post.

The famous shipping magazine Lloyd’s List indicates that in total, one day of construction of the Suez Canal interrupts more than 9 billion. Goods moving by water worth USD (7.6 billion euros). A quarter of the daily traffic in the Suez Canal is related to container ships such as the MV Ever Given.

Built in 2018, the nearly 400m long and 59m wide MV Ever Given is among the largest merchant ships in the world and can carry almost 20,000 containers at a time. Previously, he was in Chinese ports and sailed from Rotterdam in the Netherlands.

Opened in 1869, the Suez Canal is an important route for the transportation of oil, natural gas, and cargo. 10% of all international maritime transport travels.

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