The services verified the compliance of the establishments with the requirements of COVID-19 and the number of violations


The directors of the municipal administrations, the Police Department, the State Food and Veterinary Service, the NVSC, the State Labor Inspectorate and the State Service for the Protection of Consumer Rights are responsible for conducting inspections in the relevant areas of activity. .

Last week, 55 municipalities submitted to the State Emergency Operations Center on the control of compliance with the restrictions applied during the emergency. Until last Friday, August 13, 2,191 public transport inspections were carried out during the week and 15 infractions were found.

In the last two weeks, a lot of attention has been paid to the outlets. It is gratifying that 15 violations were detected at 1,064 inspected outlets. Of the 122 controlled fortune telling cases, no crimes were found. Furthermore, of the 224 catering establishments inspected, only two identified certain irregularities.

The municipalities also controlled the events. A total of 28 events were inspected for which no violations were recorded. It appears that both the public and event organizers continue to act responsibly. However, the number of breaches of emergency restrictions has increased as a result of inspections by various operators. A total of 12 infractions were detected (1575 entities inspected).

Mask infringements are on the rise

It is true that municipal inspectors recorded a significant increase in the number of mask violations. Up to 96 of them were detected this week, compared to just 2 last year.

We remind you that in view of the rapid spread of the new Delta virus strain in Lithuania, in addition to slowing down vaccination rates, increasing morbidity and preventing the spread of COVID-19, it is mandatory in closed public places (banks, pharmacies, stores). , cinemas, public transport, etc.) ..) wear masks for people over 6 years old. They are not required in open public places if a safe distance from other people is maintained.

To evaluate the control of the people selected for isolation in the 54 reporting municipalities, 1,001 returnees or arrivals from foreign countries were examined, 337 of which came from countries affected by the mutated virus. No violations of compliance with the isolation rules were identified.

According to the police department, officials found 10 mask wearing violations in the week leading up to last Friday. No self-isolation or assembly violations were identified, and this is the fourth “zero” week of its kind based on these indicators.

According to the State Border Guard Service (SBGS), no mask wearing violations or rapes were found.

Shops and restaurants inspected

The State Food and Veterinary Service (SFVS) carried out inspections in 125 catering establishments, 2 of which revealed irregularities.

In addition, 59 food trading companies were visited, where 1 infraction was detected: at the entrance, the visitors did not receive information about the need for personal hygiene and / or the mandatory use of masks.

The National Public Health Center (NVSC) also oversaw the fulfillment of emergency conditions. After inspecting 105 economic entities, 2 were found that violated the default conditions.

After evaluating the activities of 48 retail businesses, 12 educational and non-formal education institutions, 12 beauty companies, sports clubs, swimming pools and accommodation services, 14 public and passenger transport companies, public administration entities, pharmacies, no violations were found.

Inspections of 5 personal health care and social care institutions revealed 1 violation: Residents of an inpatient social service institution who were not vaccinated or had COVID-19 disease were not tested for coronavirus.

Another violation was detected during the inspection of 14 events, which also include the activities of the cinemas, at the event, the spectators and / or participants saw the event from outside the seats. The event lasted more than 2 hours, with spectators observing the event from standing places. Likewise, people who did not meet the criteria established in the resolution participated in the event.

NVSC also conducts inspections for mandatory periodic employee testing. The inspections of 98 companies, institutions or organizations did not reveal any irregularities.

Keep in mind that regular medical check-up does not protect against COVID-19 disease (coronavirus infection). It is the COVID-19 vaccines that are effective in protecting people against severe forms of the disease and most of those vaccinated against the infection. The vaccines used in Lithuania are safe and effective.

It is recalled that to ensure adequate prevention of the spread of COVID-19 during an emergency, all inspection bodies should, by 2021, September 12 must exercise control over whether companies have chosen to serve all or only customers Opportunity Passport without waiting until September 13 when this requirement becomes mandatory.

The controls will be based on the fortnightly lists provided by the National Center for Public Health (NVSC). It is important to note that all data collected by the NVSC will be processed for monitoring purposes only and will be stored until 2021. September 14 and then destroyed.
