The services scheduled at the Santara clinics will be updated this week.


The clinic will open its doors to patients on May 13, in coordination with the contingency plan with the National Center for Public Health.

According to Aušra Bilotienė Motiejūnienė, director of the VUL Santara clinics, the institution has not yet returned to the previous order, the activity will be renewed in stages, so far only up to fifty percent of the previous volume (link to video information).

Scheduled outpatient services will be provided remotely and on patient arrival at the outpatient clinic. For remote consultations, the patient will be registered by the staff of the Consultation Polyclinic reception. A remote consultation with a specialist will show if such assistance is sufficient for the patient. If the doctor decides that a live consultation is needed, the patient will be contacted to see the Santara Clinic Consultation Polyclinic for an examination.

Arrivals at the clinics will be given an exact time and patients will be asked to enter the facility no earlier than 10 minutes before the start of the visit. Accurate time planning will help avoid patient congestion and unnecessary queues at the outpatient clinic.

An incoming outpatient will need to wear a disposable medical mask, accompanied by a single person if necessary, as well as a face shield. Upon arrival at the Consultation Polyclinic, the visitor’s condition will be evaluated first by measuring the temperature. The patient may be contacted the evening before the visit and asked some questions about patient preparation.

According to managing director Aušra Bilotienė Motiejūnienė, consultations during the quarantine period take a little longer, because special room preparation is required: ventilation, cleaning, disinfection for patients to be safe.

If patients have any questions, the contact telephone numbers of the centers and the consultation Polyclinic are indicated on the clinics website, as well as family doctors can provide information. Priority is currently given to those patients who have registered for scheduled services prior to quarantine.

Those who arrive at the Hospital Clinico Santara to receive scheduled services must undergo a Covid-19 PCR test no more than 48 hours before the arrival of the hospitalization. It is recommended to carry out the survey in mobile points by place of residence. In rare cases, non-Vilnius residents may also be tested at Santara’s clinics, but will inevitably have to wait for the test response.

“By strictly following infection control recommendations, not only will outpatient services be renewed, but also inpatient services. It is especially important to differentiate patient flows when hospitalized,” says Professor F. Jankevičius. Santara’s clinics will have three main flows: patients in need of emergencies, emergency care, those with scheduled services, and suspected infected patients with special facilities. COVID-19 patients will continue to be hospitalized in a special infectious disease center where they will receive oxygen therapy and pulmonary ventilation.

Prof. According to F. Jankevičius, VUL Santara’s clinics, as well as hospitals in other countries, take the necessary measures not to increase the incidence of infectious diseases through their activities, trying not to infect patients who have come to the clinic or treatment for other diseases.

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