The Seimas will want to abolish the VAT deduction for shipments of up to 22 Eur to three countries


Photo by Judita Grigelyts (V)

The Seimas is proposing to abolish the exemption from value added tax (VAT) for small shipments of up to 22 euros to three countries starting next year.

On Tuesday, after deliberation, the Seimas unanimously approved said modifications to the Value Added Tax Law. The amendments are due to enter into force in January 2021, but the European Commission has offered to postpone implementation until half a year until July 1, 2021.

Currently shipments of up to € 22 to three countries are not subject to VAT.

According to Mindaugas Majauskas, member of the Committee on Budget and Finance, the amendments will hamper the lands that have allowed the population to abuse during the coronavirus crisis and create unequal competitive conditions for European Union (EU) companies, as they do not exist. such benefits for shipments within the EU.

A large part of the population, especially during the pandemic, ordered many goods from outside the European Union, Danes from China and in such cases there is a certain benefit if the value of the goods does not exceed 22 Eur, the tax is not applied to added value. Unfortunately, many companies rushed to make use of this privilege, abusing it, indicating a significantly lower value than the merchandise actually requested, and thus avoiding the payment of value added tax, M. Majauskas imprisoned in the Seimas.

The public policy analysis and research by the ESTEP consultancy showed that last year the Lithuanian business sector did not receive 142 million LTL due to e-commerce. Income in euros, of which about 18 million. Shipments worth EUR. This represents almost 1% of the total turnover of the Lithuanian retail trade.

The European Commission has found that tax exemptions and misrepresentations prevent Member States from collecting around € 7 billion. Eur per year.

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