The Seimas unanimously approved the increase in early retirement pensions Business


The Seimas approved the amendments to the law unanimously: 85 members of the Seimas voted in favor.

The peasants Tomas Tomilinas and Rima Baškienė prepared amendments to the Social Security Pension Law.

Tomilin told Seimas on Tuesday that so-called “poverty pensions” are a lifeline for the elderly during the crisis.

“It is the elderly, who are often laid off, who are in a particularly difficult situation during the crisis. It is good that the Seimas has noticed that the actuarial calculation is no longer relevant and today we can allocate an additional 5 million to increase pensions. of early retirement, ”he said.

Luke April / 15min photo / Tom Tomilinas

Luke April / Photo of 15min / Tom Tomilinas

Social Democrat Algirdas Sys also supported the bill because, he said, the proposals were based on scientific calculations.

However, I cannot agree with what we did before approving two different social security ages in Lithuania: 35 and 40. Sooner or later we will have to return to these issues, because in one case or another money is required and it is the money from all pensioners. “We are not taking it anywhere else, it is the boiler from which all people who receive social security pensions benefit,” he said.

Photo by Luke April / 15 minutes / Algirdas Sysas

Photo by Luke April / 15 minutes / Algirdas Sysas

The peasant Algimantas Dumbrava also spoke in favor of the amendments to the law.

“The quality of life for people who retire early will improve,” he explained.

Photo by Sigismund Gedvila / 15min / Algimantas Dumbrava

Photo by Sigismund Gedvila / 15min / Algimantas Dumbrava

After the Seimas approved the new procedure, instead of reducing anticipated pensions by 0.4 percent. In the month remaining until retirement age, they will decrease by 0.32% from 2021. A lower percentage will be applied to both early retirement and old-age pensions.

As a result of these changes, it would decrease by 9.6% for an average person receiving a 30-month early retirement pension. instead of the current 12 percent. reduction.

Photo by Sigismund Gedvila / 15min / Quarantine in Vilnius

Photo by Sigismund Gedvila / 15min / Quarantine in Vilnius

The person who has chosen to receive this pension during the entire payment period will be subject to 19.2%. reduction instead of the current 24%.

The state budget will require more than 5 million. 5.3 million euros per year. in 2021 to 5.9 million. euros in 2023.

In Lithuania, it is now possible to receive an early pension if there are five years left until retirement, the person has accumulated the required time of service and has no other income. Early retirement pensions, averaging € 280, have been paid since July 2004.

In July of this year, about 5.5 thousand people received early retirement. recipients.
