The Seimas has reduced the list of recipients of the payment of 257 EUR: it can no longer support everyone Business


To receive the benefit, a self-employed person must be included in the list of victims of quarantine restrictions recognized by the State Tax Inspection (STI).

This will mean that fewer people are likely to receive € 257 of support than in the spring and summer, when the € 87,000 benefit was paid. autonomous.

For some time, the state can encourage everyone horizontally, but it can only do so for a short time.

At that time, those benefits cost the state 112.2 million LTL. euros.

The outgoing government introduced amendments that reduced the circle of people who receive the benefit.

At the time, Finance Minister Vilius Šapoka said that the state no longer has the ability to pay benefits to basically all the self-employed.

Valdo Kopūstas / 15-minute photo / Vilius Šapoka

Valdo Kopūstas / 15-minute photo / Vilius Šapoka

“The basic philosophy to manage this crisis must be based on solidarity. For some time now, the State can encourage everyone horizontally, but it can only do so for a short time, “said the Minister during discussions on the amendments in the Government.

The government has also proposed to abandon the current provision that a € 257 benefit is paid two months after the lifting of an emergency or quarantine.

However, the Seimas decided that the benefit payment should continue. Right, a month.

According to the curator of the Seimas Labor and Social Affairs Commission, Mindaugas Lingė, the problems of the self-employed do not end immediately with the end of the quarantine: both the number of orders and the number of clients do not recover quickly.

“Our suggestion, however, is that the self-employed have at least a one-month reserve and the opportunity to recover from the quarantine,” said the politician.

Photo by Sigismund Gedvila / 15min / Mindaugas Lingė

Photo by Sigismund Gedvila / 15min / Mindaugas Lingė

Conservative chairman of the Seimas Budget and Finance Committee Mykolas Majauskas said extending the benefit for a month after the quarantine should cost the state $ 15 million to $ 18 million next year. euros.

117 parliamentarians voted in favor of the law’s approval, two members of the Seimas abstained.

The law will go into effect on January 1.
