The Seimas has made amendments that would force employees to investigate COVID-19


On Tuesday, the Seimas approved the proposed amendment with 71 votes in favor, 11 votes against and 32 abstentions. It will be considered further by the Seimas committees, and the project will be considered as a matter of special urgency at the proposal of the Government.

Seimas spokesperson Viktorija Čmilytė-Nielsen, who chaired the session, reported that in such a case its adoption would be voted on Thursday.

The minister did not see the violation of human rights

Health Minister Arūnas Dulkys, who presented the project, stated that the objective of the project is to guarantee public health by declaring a quarantine or emergency situation in the country due to a contagious disease.

Photo by LRV / Arūnas Dulkys

Photo by LRV / Arūnas Dulkys

“After assessing the threat of a disease for which quarantine has been declared, a health examination should be established in proportion to this threat due to a contagious disease for which an emergency or quarantine has been declared at the state level,” said A. Dulkys.

The amendments establish that the Government could, in an emergency, establish a list of jobs and areas of activity in which workers can only work if they undergo a prior examination and then are regularly checked for diseases.

The minister argued that such regulation could not be considered a mandatory test, as employees who did not want to take the test could be assigned to work remotely.

“During the discussions, all kinds of concepts are thrown into the public space, although I personally never said the word forced, and in our opinion human rights or freedoms are not violated here, I think there are very proportionate proposals here,” he said. A. Dulkys.

Employers have the option of working remotely if you don’t want to take the test.

“Entrepreneurs have the opportunity, if they do not want to do the test, to work remotely so that we can prevent outbreaks and outbreaks in organizations,” said the minister.

The amendments would also stipulate that in the event of a workplace outbreak, workers could also work only after they have been tested for disease. The National Center for Public Health will determine the list of personnel to be examined.

In the event that an employee refuses to be inspected on time without good reason, the employer must remove him from work and not pay him or be assigned to work remotely until the date of the inspection.

It also provides that additional medical examinations of employees due to contagious disease can be financed from the state budget in accordance with the procedure established by the Government.

The opposition was outraged that their amendments would be tabled at a later date.

The opposition “peasants” have registered amendments to the same Law for the Prevention and Control of Communicable Diseases regarding the conditions for the extension of the quarantine and resented that its draft was not presented in parallel, but was included among the topics backup.

Former Prime Minister Saulius Skvernelis and his colleagues propose to establish that in case the quarantine is extended after a period of four months, the decision should be made by the Seimas.

Currently, the Government announces the quarantine both throughout the country and in each of the municipalities, and it is also decided to extend it.

Luke April / 15min photo / Saulius Skvernelis

Luke April / 15min photo / Saulius Skvernelis

The opposition “peasants” demanded that their project be considered immediately after the draft on mandatory tests presented by Health Minister A. Dulkis, but the conference of elders included it among the reserve issues that are generally discussed during the session of the night. This decision was not modified by the vote of the Seimas demanded by the opposition.

S. Skvernelis says that with such a decision “the rulers again crossed the law with a bulldozer”, because the Statute of the Seimas imperatively requires that all bills that modify the same law, the same and other articles be presented to the Seimas at the Same time. time.

“However, when you want to enforce your law quickly, you cannot allow the opposition to register. Then turn on the remote voting machine (although the Statute does not foresee it!) And organize the law as you see fit. the power!

This is not the first time in this Seimas that the rulers have dealt with opposition or law enforcement. This is the way and the “new political culture” in the Seimas … “, announced S. Skvernelis on Facebook.

The president of the Seimas Viktorija Čmilytė-Nielsen, who chaired the session, declared that the decision to include the opposition proposal among the reservation questions is a compromise solution and the project will be presented on the same day.
