The Seimas dismissed Jakubauskas, director of the Genocide Center


In a secret ballot on Thursday, 79 deputies voted against the resignation of the official, against four, one ballot was damaged.

“It just came to our attention then. There was a problem with that,” commented A. Jakubauskas on the Seimas decision.

He said he had been sentenced to an “advance” after seven months instead of five.

“This is perhaps the only case in the history of parliamentarism in Lithuania, and perhaps in the whole of Europe, and perhaps the whole world, in which a person is punished and fired in advance. Because the deadline should end in 2025. on the 1st. July, but after working for 7 months, it was decided that the person is poorly managed and cannot cope. Presumably using psychological harassment … in principle, which was not, “A. Jakubauskas told reporters after the secret vote of the members of the Seimas.

Having lost the position of director of the Genocide Research Center, said A. Jakubauskas, he will continue his work as a scientist.

“I am a person from the academic community, so I will extend my career as a researcher. I am a teacher, I will investigate what has not yet been investigated, I will write books that have not yet been written, ”said A. Jakubauskas.

According to the law, the director of LGGRTC is appointed and removed by the Seimas.

At least 71 parliamentarians had to vote for the official to be fired.

The “peasants” and “workers” of the Seimas planned not to participate in this vote.

The Seimas Board proposed to remove the designated official last year.

The working group formed by her affirmed that A. Jakubauskas does not manage to ensure the proper functioning of the institution, there is resistance and the situation publicly discussed in the center undermines the business reputation of the institution.

“A conflict situation has arisen between the General Director of the Adas Jakubauskas Center and some employees regarding the work environment, the provision of information to employees and the restriction of the right of employees to freely express their opinions and beliefs,” he said. Viktorija Čmilytė-Nielsen, Spokesperson for the Seimas.

“The universities and the Lithuanian Institute of History refuse to cooperate with the center due to the current management, because its activities do not meet scientific standards,” he said.

A. Jakubauskas, for his part, rejected the accusations. According to him, the resistance of one sixth of the workforce was caused by the reforms implemented in the institution. The conclusions of the working group formed by the old Board of the Seimas forced them to appoint a new leader.

At the beginning of the year, 17 employees of the Genocide Center asked Seimas for the actions and tensions of the director in the institution.

Some organizations, signatories, participants in the resistance to the Soviet occupation regime urged not to rush to remove the head of the center.

According to the law, the director of LGGRTC is appointed and removed by the Seimas.

A. Jakubauskas was appointed director of the center last summer.

This center investigates all manifestations of genocide and crimes against humanity and the persecution of the Lithuanian population during the years of occupation, as well as the armed and unarmed resistance to the occupations, initiates the legal evaluation of the organizers and perpetrators of the genocide, and commemorates freedom fighters and genocide. victims.

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