The Seimas appointed two new judges of the CC


59 members of the Seimas voted in favor of appointing A. Kabišaitis to the CC, there were 49 against and 19 abstentions.

The lawyer Giedrė Lastauskienė received 72 votes from the members of the Seimas, there were 31 parliamentarians against, 24 abstentions.

The judge of the Supreme Court of Lithuania (SCL) Algis Norkūnas received the support of 64 members of the Seimas, there were 35 parliamentarians against his candidacy, 28 abstained.

A. Kabišaitis was nominated for the CC by the president of the Seimas Viktorija Čmilytė-Nieslen, G. Lastauskienė – president Gitanas Nausėda, SCL Judge A. Norkūnas – interim president of the SCL Sigita Rudėnaitė.

During the procedure for considering the candidates, Vytautas Bakas, member of the Joint Group of Members of the Seimas, criticized the candidacy of A. Kabišaitis to the statements provided by the Legal Department to the Law of Confiscation of Civil Property initiated by this Member of the Seimas .

“During the drafting of this law, three entities opposed and attacked in particular: the Bar Association, the Lithuanian Business Confederation headed by V. Sutkus and the Legal Department of Seimas, which is linked to MG Baltic. The Legal Department has made 31 unique comments, demonstrating how this law would violate the Constitution and private interest, even though such cases have been won in the European Court of Human Rights, ”said V. Bakas.

He asked the Seimas to take a break from appointing new CC judges and, after serious discussions about the work of the courts, select authorized candidates for these positions.

For the first time due to the vote of the candidates to the CC Seimas last April. The three proposed attorneys did not receive approval. In addition to G. Lastauskienė and A. Norkūnas, the candidacy of former CC Chancellor Ingrida Danielienė was also rejected.

The Constitution provides that the Constitutional Court is renewed every three years for one third. The court consists of nine judges appointed for nine years and for one term only.

The mandate of the President of the Constitutional Court Dainius Žalimas and of the judges Gediminas Mesonis and Vytas Milius ended on March 19 last year. They will remain in office until new judges are appointed.

The judges of the CC are appointed and dismissed by the Seimas.

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