The Sea Festival will take place, but it will be different.


Klaipeda has been treasuring the tradition of the Sea Festival for 86 years. The managers of the port city and the organizers of the Sea Festival, the team of the public institution “Klaipėdos šventės”, do not hide the fact that this year a great challenge awaits them: to bring the community together from July 24 to 26 in a traditional event but sure.

“The concept of this year’s Sea Festival was born after long deliberations, discussions and consultations with the specialists of the responsible institutions, responsibly evaluating possible threats to human health, strictly complying with the safety recommendations. To preserve the tradition wanted by Klaipeda, we sacrificed the largest mass gathering events: a march of thousands of people, a concert program on the stages of the Cruise Terminal and Theater Plaza, a program of singing and dancing fountains and fireworks. all this will return to the future Sea Festivals, and this year we will celebrate with more care, calm and security, “says the mayor of the city of Klaipėda, Vytautas Grubliauskas.

The mayor does not hide the fact that he has a serious dilemma to face as mayor; On such an occasion, it seems appropriate to actively invite people to travel to the port city, but the context of the global pandemic forces to emphasize safety and responsible behavior: the desire to be, see, know and celebrate will go hand in hand with the personal responsibility of each one of them and those around them. “

Holiday Code – “Meetings with the Wind”

The “Christmas” weekend in Klaipeda should be relaxed with cool, gentle winds. The motto of this year’s Sea Festival is romantic in summer: “Encounters with the wind”. The cultural program, according to the organizers, will also correspond to the living and unstoppable spirit of the coastal winds. Incidentally, the winds must guarantee exemplary ventilation of the city’s port areas.

Musical, theatrical and dance events will run throughout the old town from July 24 to 26, and the planned performances will not have clearly set and marked places and times in the program. The musicians, actors, dancers (most of the cultural program will be based on the potential of the artists who work and create in Klaipeda) will “catch” the audience in the most unexpected places: they will be interested, they will make them stop, they will rejoice and they will start looking for new surprises.

“We jokingly christened this year’s Festival of the Sea cultural program, partisan. We will not announce the events in advance, we will not publish their exact locations. They will find the audience themselves and will last only the time recommended by specialists, after 15 minutes. If they happen, the program participants will stop the action, and after a while they will appear in another space, “says Rūta Steponavičienė, the project manager of Klaipėdos šventės. The same tactics will apply to the stars of the festive program, who would normally have reigned on the big stages: all night concerts will migrate from one place to another and will not exceed the recommended safety time limits.

Organizers say the program will preserve all ceremonies of respect for the sea and its people; This is the uniqueness and value of this celebration. An important highlight of the event should be the Dangė River, where the traditional exhibition of historical ships “Dangė Fleet”, water games competitions and musical performances on boats are planned. The berths of the cruise terminal should be decorated this year by 6 historical sailing ships, which Klaipėda and the Sea Festival discovered thanks to the international project Baltic Sail.
Festival organizers are also planning an innovation for those who embrace the form of remote communication brought about by the realities of the coronavirus: the most important events and events will be transferred to virtual space on Sea Festival television.


Procession “Sea Festival 2019”

There will also be wooden spoons …

The municipality of Klaipėda city extends a benevolent aid to representatives of small companies: cultivators of cultural heritage, folk artists, craftsmen and goldsmiths, who lost the opportunity to trade in events due to the quarantine regime in force in the country and the at the same time they lost their income. This year, it is planned to organize the trade from temporary facilities at the Sea Festival. Due to increased requirements for human security, the number of temporary outlets is cut in half, and merchant stores will spread over a larger area – wide gaps between stores are planned, reducing risk of traffic congestion. There is no doubt that the principles of secure customer service will also be agreed with merchants.

“We cannot give up temporary trade: it is the revenue that allows the city to organize a celebration. At the same time, it is a great help for developers and small businesses affected by the quarantine regime. The good news is that fees will apply lower toll point for point-of-sale this year. This is another incentive for the city of Klaipeda for small businesses going through difficult times, ”says Gintaras Neniškis, Director of Administration for the Municipality of Klaipeda City.

Klaipėdos šventės plans to start registering applications for those wishing to trade at the Sea Festival on June 16.
