The scientist discovered a plant material that could protect against blood clots


Researching foods that have a healing effect is not a new idea. Especially when the food is of plant origin, because in the world of plants, scientists have been able to find more than one effective substance to combat or prevent various diseases.

True to Hippocrates’ oath not to harm the patient, Kahn pays close attention to research. Speaking about it with Lithuanian doctors and pharmacists at remote conferences, the American cardiologist discussed the scientific achievements that revealed the need for a nutritional program to reduce the incidence of cardiovascular disease.

In modern medicine, it is impossible to take a step without doing research. Although not all foods have a clear positive effect on the body, the natatinase found in fermented soybeans deserves much more attention.

Its history dates back to 1907, when a specific bacterium (Bacillus subtillus natto) was identified, and in 1925, Japanese scientists demonstrated that nattokinase degrades fibrin, which is the basis of the thrombus formation system.

Due to this property, nocatinase can dissolve clots, but it does not block the conversion of fibrinogen to fibrin during bleeding, which means that, unlike drugs, it does not increase the risk of internal bleeding.

In 1987, this enzyme was named natatinase. Recently, nato kinase has been one of the most studied plant compounds. About 25 years ago, the intestinal transport potential of natathokinase was demonstrated with the use of this active substance as a supplement.

In remote lectures to Lithuanian doctors and pharmacists, J. Kahn said it was not difficult to find convincing examples of the efficacy of nato kinase. He demonstrated a slide showing three Petri dishes with an artificial thrombus used by the researchers for research, and the clot of the enzyme natatinase disintegrates after instillation.

The thrombus shrinks after three hours. Timing in such an experiment is important because the goal is to find out whether the enzyme purified from fermented soybeans can be effective.

Clinical trials in volunteers have revealed the safety and efficacy of nato kinase. Cardiologist J. Kahn analyzed several of these findings – for example, in a four-week, double-blind study, clotting factors and overall safety were scored positive.

5 beneficial effects

The studies, which included patients with cardiovascular disease and taking blood thinners, were very promising.

Nathotinase has been shown to be safe in combination with drugs such as warfarin, low molecular weight heparin, and antithrombotic drugs.

American cardiologist J. Kahn admitted that nattokinase did not come to the limelight of scientists by accident. This biologically active substance has many functions.

First, it has a fibrinolytic effect because it breaks down fibrin, the excess of which in the bloodstream leads to the formation of blood clots.

Second, nato kinase is capable, albeit slightly, of lowering blood pressure.

Third, natatinase has also been shown to act as a blood viscosity lowering agent, which has the ability not only to disrupt thrombi but also to inhibit the formation of new ones.

Fourth, it reduces platelet aggregation (adhesion), which is the initial stage of blood clot formation.

Fifth, it can improve blood circulation even in capillaries, which is vital for all organs. Due to its multifaceted effects, natatinase improves the condition of the circulatory system throughout the body.

What do the studies say?

In 2008, a major hypertension study was published that demonstrated the effects of natatinase on blood pressure. It involved 86 hypertensive patients who had high blood pressure. For eight weeks, they were treated with 2,000 FV (fibrin degradation units) of nattokinase or placebo.

Study results revealed that natatinase therapy lowered systolic and diastolic blood pressure. These findings suggest that adjuvant use of nato kinase may play an important role in the prevention of hypertension.

The American cardiologist J. Kahn was particularly impressed with the article “Clinical study of the effects of natatokinase on carotid atherosclerosis and hyperlipidemia”, published about three years ago.

The study involved 82 patients with carotid atherosclerosis who accidentally took a drug to reduce blood clotting or a natatinase: 6,000 fibrin degradation units. The study lasted 26 weeks. The findings revealed that the regression (disappearance) of atherosclerotic plaques was stronger with natatinase.

Presenting the findings of this study to Lithuanian physicians and pharmacists, cardiologist J. Kahn emphasized that nattokinase is a unique substance that can slow the progression of atherosclerosis. The American cardiologist also has good news from his practice at his clinic in the Michigan suburb of Detroit. In March 2016, the researcher examined the carotid arteries of a 59-year-old man, which were much thicker than usual, and looked like a 72-year-old man.

The study measured the walls of the carotid artery, which thickened as a sign of early atherosclerosis and risk of heart attack. The patient was followed for approximately two and a half years until he was 61 years old.

During this period, the patient’s carotid artery wall thickness decreased and he became 15 years younger than at the beginning of the study because the patient had been taking nattokinase for two and a half years, 6,000 fibrin degradation units per day.

Another patient with risk factors was examined at the Kahn Clinic in March 2017. The man was 38 years old, but the walls of his carotid artery were about sixty, even 22 years older than his biological age. When the man was forty years old, the thickness of his arteries corresponded to the thickness of the arteries of a 12-year-old man. He was treated with natokinase for a year and a half.

Cardiologist J. Kahn lamented the lack of research on how nato kinase can be applied to patients with mechanical heart valves. For this reason, Kahn is cautious when prescribing natathokinase to these patients in his clinic.

Nato kinase therapy has also not been tested in stroke risk patients with atrial fibrillation. For left ventricular thrombus and acute myocardial infarction, patients are generally treated with interventional procedures and stenting.

It is important to note that nato kinase cannot and should not replace drugs, its main purpose is to delay diseases of the circulatory system so that drugs are not necessary at all. It can be used as an adjunct to prescribed treatment, but only after consultation with your doctor.

Used for thrombus prevention

Nato kinase is a reliable tool for the prevention of the first thrombus, as well as for the primary prevention of atherosclerosis. By enriching the diet, you can help people with high blood pressure, high blood cholesterol, people with diabetes, signs of atherosclerosis, and other risk factors.

For this reason, dietary supplements that contain not only pure natate kinase but also mixtures of various combinations such as natatokinase, Q10, and plant extracts are particularly popular in the United States.

By counseling patients on a variety of health problems, the American cardiologist J. Kahn aims to prevent atherosclerosis. Having developed a nutrition program for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, he focuses on the Mediterranean diet and the development of new eating habits.
