The scandalous Tomas Bagdonavičius praised his beloved: he had to fight for it, the family tried to dissuade him from this relationship


T. Bagdonavičius has been guided by scandalous etiquette for some time. The singer demonstrates her changes not only in languages, but also in real works.

For a new loved one, Tom decided to marry again and as the weekend approached, he knelt before his lover with a romantic question: will she be his wife?

T. Bagdonavičius confessed about the matchmaking on social media.

Tom and Audronė changed their relationship status to “engaged” on Friday. The latest photos also show about the upcoming wedding, in which Tom can be seen asking his other half a crucial question not in a private space, but in front of other people.

“She said yes,” the singer rejoiced.

Efforts had to be made due to this relationship

“We met Audron in winter. I remember taking my sister to the airport and having free time. At that time it was just the Christmas period, the Christmas trees were lit. At first I tried to meet friends, but they were all busy. I decided to write To Audrone, whom we had corresponded with on Facebook about work. I offered to meet, go to the Christmas tree, have coffee. She wrote that it would be very interesting for her. This is how we met.

Communicating in the cafe, she turned out to be a polite, cheerful and beautifully smiling woman, at first I didn’t even suspect if she knew me or not. Then it turned out, however, that he knew. Audronė hinted that she wasn’t looking for a relationship, but I wasn’t looking for one either, it was just fun chatting over coffee. That meeting ended anyway. I accompanied her to the car and went to Mažeikiai, where she was living and working at the time. When I said goodbye, I asked her for her number so that in the future I could invite her to the poster somewhere when I was in Kaunas. She said she doesn’t usually share the number, but I was able to earn her trust, so while driving from Kaunas, I called her and talked the whole way. That communication continued the next day and the next, and has not stopped until now, “he said previously. Delphi said the accused to the interlocutor.

For a time, the couple had a long-distance relationship, but soon the two settled down together. Not only the discovered love, but also the job offer contributed to the move to another city, so it no longer made sense to hesitate.

“So I just finished my job in Mažeikiai and received a job offer in Kaunas. Audronė said Kaunas is much more promising and offered to move. This is how it all happened on its own. I went out on Saturday and went to work on Monday. We will count on December 1 for a year, when we are together “, – the singer was happy.

For the new beloved, Tom had to try a lot. His noisy scandals with other women in the past did not initially inspire confidence in Audrone, and his children were also closely watched by their mother’s new friend. But time has shown that a stormy life is a thing of the past.

“Audronė lived a completely different life, she had a distant world of shows. At first, she had little idea how all those concerts were going, what we did after them and how we behaved at them. I started taking her to events together. She was surprised, since it is often thought that singers are immediately attacked by all women for kissing them on the neck. This is not the case. Concerts are black work. And in show business, sometimes you get tired, but you still drive because you need it, sometimes several concerts a day.

Initially, Audronė’s environment, relatives and relatives tried to discourage her, because I am a famous person in Lithuania. They had formed a preconceived notion about me, they had heard about all these scandals and they tried to protect her. She said that she would watch someone to interact with or bully me into taking her to a couple of concerts and disappear. But then when I had to communicate in person, everything changed, ”said T. Bagdonavičius happily.

Tomas agrees that his life is much quieter now, but he has no doubt that the previous events that have been heard throughout Lithuania are remembered only because he made them public. According to him, many men live one way or another, only often keeping quiet and not afraid to admit their mistakes.

“There are really many men in Lithuania who would have been married three or four times and still have lovers, but no one knows about them, so no one suffers.

At first, we weren’t in a great rush with Audrone. I would call that moment just friendship. I was already afraid of that failed relationship and it took time too. But then we realized that together we began to spend almost most of our free time. We talk about wanting to be together. You know, it’s not the age to play anymore, be it fit or not. We’ve also talked to Audron about the wedding, but we’re not in a rush yet, it’s time for everything. ” Delphi he said.

Although Audrone used to view show business as distant, now the woman and Tom are often not only at their concerts, but also not afraid to film a video of their song:

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