The scandalous educator creates an “alternative school”: he looks for teachers who have left the system


“For teachers who have left the system. Since September, Vilnius needs history, physics and information technology teachers in an alternative school ”, the educator recently shared this announcement on her Facebook account.

AGAstrauskaitė was unable to find out what the school will be like and who will attend, after hearing that she is calling. 15 minutes journalist, educator interrupted the conversation without even receiving a question.

However, the teacher’s plans can be read on her social media account.

Education at home or in a rented space?

“It just came to our notice then. Parents come together to avoid child testing, vaccinations, systemic abuse and gender lessons for children. Teachers are hired,” explained AGAstrauskaitė on Facebook.

Urging everyone in need of alternative education to come together and seek solutions together, the educator also said that she saw the concept of “National School” of Meilės Lukšienė as an example.

“You can also get a lot out of there,” he said.

Although the educator explained that the children would be raised in families and that a separate school might be available at a later date, a questionnaire posted by their teachers who would consider working in an ‘alternative school’ claims that it would operate in rented accommodation.

Eriko Ovcharenko / 15min nuotr./Mokymasis namuose

Eriko Ovcharenko / 15min nuotr./Mokymasis namuose

“Vilnius parents, who do not accept medical interventions, compulsory and unclear sex education, are looking for teachers for their children. We would like to hire them, teachers, to teach the children in our rented space, ”says the questionnaire.

It emphasizes the need for an education that respects family beliefs and choices, without compulsory interventions, and respects the individuality and freedom of the child.

In her story, AGAstrauskaitė urged parents to organize the necessary documents for their children to study at home before June.

He rejected the call for an agreement with the Ministry of Education, Science and Sports (MESM).

Only learning in the family is an alternative to hitting children, introducing the absurdity of the genre.

“Don’t you see who the system works for? Only learning in the family is an alternative to hitting children, introducing the absurdity of gender. Intelligent and loving parents know what to do, how to educate and teach their children, how to take care of the children’s physical and mental health and how to provide general education knowledge. There are uncommitted teachers who will work in this direction, “he explained.

Parents can also teach their children by themselves

ШМСМ 15 minutes He commented that students could be raised in a family, but only with the help of a school.

Parents who wished to do so had to submit applications by June 1 at the schools that the municipalities had commissioned to help parents organize such education.

At home, the child must study all compulsory subjects in general and non-formal education programs.

Photo by Julius Kalinskas / 15min / School

Photo by Julius Kalinskas / 15min / School

The contracted school provides the child with textbooks, counseling and the like.

Twice a school year, the student’s progress is evaluated to ensure that the child’s socialization needs are being met.

Parents can choose who will teach their children: they can do it themselves, education can be carried out by hired teachers, as well as by the teachers of the hired school.

It is true that parents should indicate the qualifications of the educators who will teach their children.

If it is not enough, a family education contract is not concluded.

AGAstrauskaitė does not need to be delivered

AGAstrauskaitė, a Lithuanian teacher at the Vilnius Juventa Gymnasium, is a fan of alternative facts, who considers coronavirus vaccines to be poisonous.

Photo by Žygimantas Gedvila / 15min / Astra Genovaitė Astrauskaitė and Dainius Kepenis

Photo by Žygimantas Gedvila / 15min / Astra Genovaitė Astrauskaitė and Dainius Kepenis

Some time ago, the teacher openly said that she was ill but not she thinks the test could damage the brain.

“I’ve read a lot that mRNA vaccines change the DNA structure of cells, which is an interference with divine power and nature-created order,” he said.

The educator participated in a series of protest actions against the quarantine, wearing masks.

It could be welcomed in the campaign of support of Adas Jakubauskas, former director of the Lithuanian Genocide and Resistance Research Center, in protest at the construction of Vytis in Lukiškės Square and in the noisy Great March for the Defense of the Family.

AGAstrauskaitė with his comrades recently He painted a rainbow of colors in the center of Vilnius.

Lithuania found out about the professor in 2019, when she sprayed red paint The model of “Laisvės kalvos” standing on Lukiškės square.

VIDEO: It is recorded how a woman paints the model of “Freedom Hill”
