The SAM will pay € 5 to family doctors for each patient called for vaccination against the coronavirus


The explanatory memorandum of the amendment establishes that for each person registered by a family doctor and his team in any form (oral, written, email, telephone, etc.) who was registered in the corresponding health center and was vaccinated with the first dose of COVID -19, Incentives charged to the budget – 5 euros.

They must be used by the institution to pay the salaries of general practitioners and members of their team.

Last day, 3,009 people received the first dose of the coronavirus vaccine and 8,440 people received the second, the Department of Statistics said Tuesday.

In the country, COVID-19 has been vaccinated with at least one dose of 1 million vaccines. 280 thousand 516 people, both 1 million. 83 thousand. 190.

At least one dose of the 54.5% vaccine was administered. population over 80 years old, 69.1 percent. – population between 75 and 79 years old, 71.5%. – 70-74 years of population and 70.2% – population of 65 to 69 years.

In the 55 to 64 age group, 58.9% are vaccinated; in the age group 45 to 54 years, 52.6%; in the 35 to 44 age group, 51%; in the 25 to 34 age group, 44.1%. at 16-24 in the age group – 42.2 percent. population. 9.9 percent of children ages 12 to 15 were vaccinated.

These values ​​increased between 0.1 and 0.2 percentage points per day.

In Lithuania, 45.8% have received at least one coronavirus vaccine. people: 0.1 percentage points more than a day before.

In total, Lithuania has received 3 million. 203 thousand 455 doses of vaccines, of which 2 million were used. 363 thousand 706 doses.

Currently about 840 thousand is not used. vaccine dose.

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