The Roop’s first pancake in Rotterdam failed: rehearsal performance and technical niceties guaranteed | Names


Although each country was given half an hour to rehearse, the portion of the rehearsal broadcast to journalists was much shorter. According to the organizers, most of the rehearsal was designed to get the performers used to the stage.

However, the frames of The Roop’s performance are becoming increasingly clear: during rehearsal, performer Vaidotas Valiukevičius played a lot with the camera and maintained eye contact. It was possible to see other technical subtleties, for example, a different visual form, a safer Vaidot walk.

From the Eurovision video, it is similar that the artists did not feel too worried, the fish felt like water on stage.

VIDEO: The Roop – Disco – First rehearsal – Lithuania

The Roop before flying to Rotterdam 15 minutes He told the show that they were going to make some adjustments, especially if there would be a chance to appear in the final. Also, if any of the team members were diagnosed with coronavirus, the group would not be able to show up. In this case, a prerecorded video of the performance is stored.

However, the group hopes that this option will not be necessary and they will have the opportunity to appear on the big stage.

V. Valiukevičius, who was interviewed at Vilnius airport on Friday, said that he is currently calm and hopeful. “I miss traveling. Although we had them during this period, I am looking forward to visiting Rotterdam, “said the interpreter.

When asked how they think Europe will love the song “The Roop”, the musicians said they were already seeing these good signs and interest.

VIDEO: The Roop is already on its way to Rotterdam – has a request for fans

“We believe that we will be very well received,” expected V. Valukevičius.

The musicians said they also want to travel to Rotterdam, but are not sure if they will have the opportunity to interact with other Eurovision artists.

“I think we will be in a certain bubble, so we will have some chance,” said Mantas Banišauskas, a member of The Roop.

When asked what kind of support would be expected from fans who are actively watching the competition in Lithuania, the musicians said they only had one request.

“We are already organizing an initiative of this type, the date of which we will specify. You can buy our paraphernalia and support us in this way, but there will be a day, approaching the semifinals, when we will ask you to share our clip, our dance, etc. in our media, so that the news about the disco will circulate in the world that day “, said V. Valukevičius.

VIDEO: Winners of the National Eurovision Song Contest – The Roop
