The Roop returns to Lithuania: Family and fans meet at the airport | Names


The group, team members and the Lithuanian delegation that left Rotterdam on Sunday afternoon arrived at their birthplace in the evening.

The plane that took them landed at Vilnius airport in the first hour, but the connecting flights and the late hour did not spoil the group’s mood in any way.

The applause from the group at the airport also helped wake up after the flight. Here, members of the group that brought Lithuania together were greeted not only by a group of journalists and cameramen, but also by fans dressed in yellow.

Live broadcast from meetings, on video:

VIDEO: The Roop returned to Lithuania:

Friends and family from The Roop also came to meet the group’s members. As soon as they passed through the door to the arrivals hall, confetti was thrown into the air, the hall was filled with loud applause and applause.

The excitement was not hidden by the heroes who returned from the country – as soon as a group of people gathered loudly, they drew a true and deserved “thank you” in the eyes of Vaidotas.

Arno Strumila / 15min photo / The return of the group

Arno Strumila / 15min photo / The return of the group “The Roop”

Arno Strumila / 15min photo / The return of the group

Arno Strumila / 15min photo / The return of the group “The Roop”

And soon the lead singer of the band was awarded and won gold. It is true that this time it is chocolate, but it was served by almost one of the most important people for him: his beloved, the designer Deimantė Litvinaitė.

Only yellow flowers were donated by close friends: the director Saulius Baradinskas, the writer, the blogger Beata Tiškevič, the businessman Benediktas Gylys.

And while it’s never been possible for a group to fall asleep after the Eurovision uproar, they don’t seem to promise much time to relax. In statements to the media, the musicians admitted that only tomorrow is a more free day; The music contest gave them not only a special opportunity, but also an obligation to continue sharing their work with fans, which they are preparing to do.

And how did the group celebrate the victory? “Well, yesterday we got back to the hotel somewhere around the first, second hour at night, like now. Take it easy. We were satisfied with what we had achieved. The road had just started and then we went to sleep. Because this is the best prize: a good night’s sleep, “said V. Valiukevičius.

Meeting moments – in the gallery:

Lithuanian representatives went to the Netherlands for the Eurovision Song Contest on May 7 and spent more than two weeks here. After taking unforgettable impressions and achieving the second best result in the history of our country for Lithuania – eighth place – the members of The Roop left Rotterdam on Sunday with their yellow suitcases.

“All in all, professionalism will remain in the memory of this period, the way everything is done professionally. Nor will we forget how many people of different races, nations, attitudes, orientations meet in one place. And they all somehow live under one roof and are happy, ”the members shared about what will not fade from memories for long.

The Roop was glad that the music contest had become a great platform to showcase their work. The fact that its message and its uniqueness spread throughout the world could also be understood from the voices of the audience. The storm-causing members already have a significant fan base in Europe, and their work surpasses even Australia.

“It just came to our notice then. Now that the door has just opened, we look forward to going through it. You know, it feels so good to visit anyway now because we’ve come up with strategies like this before, like mmm, Mažeikiai doesn’t know about us, we have less audience in Klaipeda, so how can we reach them?

Over the years everything has changed and now we are talking about when individual It will be released in Germany or Australia, where I always wanted to go, but the song seems to be ahead of me. Now we are speaking in higher sentences, it is rewarding, but it also reminds us that more work awaits us, ”admitted Vaidotas.

Arno Strumila / 15min photo / The return of the group

Arno Strumila / 15min photo / The return of the group “The Roop”

Of course, the votes were discussed and received at the Vilnius airport. The group was pleased with the assessment of the Italian jury, which, according to Vaidotas, showed that the country had decided to look at the traditional Eurovision show this year with different eyes, which was reflected in the 12 points awarded to Lithuania and its own group. so many years of looting victory for Italy: “Many still see Eurovision as a model concert, but that is changing, and those changes are very rewarding.”

And although it is difficult to talk about the future right after returning from a trip, 15 minutes To ask if they would decide to participate in Eurovision again, the members of the group were not categorical.

“It just came to our knowledge then. We don’t say ‘no’, we don’t say ‘yes’, life will be seen,” said guitarist Mantas Banišauskas.

ALSO READ: The Roop’s impressions after the final: it feels great, talks about the scandal surrounding Italians
