The Roop responds to criticism of MAMA: “We gave a false impression” | Names


The fast-growing band The Roop after the 2020 MAMA Awards, like many other artists, has been criticized for not wearing masks from time to time.

However, on Monday night, The Roop broke the silence and shared a recording in which he shared his thoughts on the awkward situation.

Group posting with 15 minutes we share our readers here:

“We received 4 awards, but we couldn’t be happy with them. These music awards are the first in our lives, so there was a lot of excitement. The focus in our group has grown as well and now it seems like the behavior of all the other participants is catching up with us as well. We can only be responsible for ourselves.

Eriko Ovcharenko / 15min nuotr./The Roop

Eriko Ovcharenko / 15min nuotr./The Roop

While creativity, performance and participation in television are a direct part of our work, we believe that at the awards we could be wearing masks not only behind the scenes but also in public (on the red carpet and in the nominees area), although all were COVID-19 tests and we work hard to keep our distance from other people. This gave the false impression that we did not need masks, that we did not have them, or that we were not wearing them at all.

A simple human thing happened: before posing for photos or getting ready to go on stage, we remove our masks to make facial emotions more visible to the viewer. Out of excitement, we didn’t even think that it could create the wrong image.

We deliberately left without our wives or boyfriends, although the celebration was great for us: 5 nominations and 4 achievements.

Eriko Ovcharenko / 15min nuotr./The Roop

Eriko Ovcharenko / 15min nuotr./The Roop

Throughout the long period of quarantine, we have honestly followed the rules, agitated others to follow them, and tried to find ways to survive and continue to thrive in thankless conditions.

Since the beginning of the group, our goal has been to inspire others. Together, we understand that there are no perfect people in the world, which is why mistakes are an inevitable part of life. We accept them and we learn so that we cannot repeat them in the future ”.
