The rise in prices for Lithuanians who want beauty treatments is not the only reason: orders grew 9 times


El. Treatwell’s beauty services platform, through which residents can register for beauty services, operates in 11 European countries. Its creators first analyzed the four countries that opened beauty salons, i. and. Lithuania, Switzerland, Austria and Germany. Lithuania and Switzerland were the first countries that were allowed to open beauty salons. It is true that in Lithuania, to provide only hair and nail services.

According to Marija Antanaitytė, director of Treatwell in Lithuania, all these countries are very similar: the behavior of salons and consumers, so they present general trends.

Within days, orders grew to 900 percent.

According to the platform, the number of orders after opening was the same as before the quarantine announcement. Immediately after the opening, even more clients, including new ones, began subscribing to beauty services.

“When the opening was announced, there was a very big spike in orders, it lasted a couple of weeks more. When the government announced the opening in a matter of days, we saw up to 900 percent. growth order compared to last week.

So far, growth is high, for example, this week, compared to last week, orders are increasing by about 20 percent, because as of this week all remaining salons were allowed to open, “he describes. M. Antanaitytė, Head of Treatwell in Lithuania.

The rise in prices for Lithuanians who want beauty treatments is not the only reason: orders grew 9 times

© Treatwell

It is notable that as soon as the quarantine relaxation was announced, clients, especially loyal ones, began registering for beauty services.

“We assume that loyal customers were the ones who expected the most and were the first to generate a lot of traffic because they were more in contact and were not afraid. Now there are salons that notice a decrease in customers, I think, because because loyal visitors visit and those new customers do not register as actively as loyal ones “, considers the interlocutor.

In the system, it is possible to annotate the procedures three months in advance, so clients supposedly use it. The manager assures that finding a vacancy at this time is easier than when opening classrooms, when in the near future it was possible to find two weeks later. According to M. Antanaitytė, those who want to cut today will find places for next week.

She also realizes that clients are online: A significant number of clients have begun to book services online instead of calling or texting the salon.

Also, most clients started requesting services in advance, from 2 days to 2 weeks. The reason for this is occupied rooms and more adaptable clients.

The rise in prices for Lithuanians who want beauty treatments is not the only reason: orders grew 9 times

Lounges change prices and hours

Due to increased security, several classrooms have extended working hours to safely accommodate more clients in one day. The interviewee says that as a result, employees work overtime.

“There are salons that have extended working hours to accommodate all willing customers, also due to restrictions on customer flows,” he says.

According to Treatwell in four European countries, about 20 percent All beauty salons increased prices compared to March 1. At that time in Lithuania 32 percent. All the salons increased the price of at least one service.
Some salons have increased service prices by an average of 5-10%, or 2-5 euros, to compensate for additional work hours and the purchase of necessary safety equipment. According to M. Antanaitytė, clients understand this and still voluntarily subscribe to the services.

In Lithuania, 32 percent. All the salons increased the price of at least one service. Some salons increased the prices of services by an average of 5-10%, or 2-5 euros.

“First, classrooms cannot physically accommodate that many people due to all the restrictions. Second, they have to wear additional protective equipment, for example, a disinfectant or a mask, which increases the cost. salons have passed part of the costs on to clients, ”says the manager.

According to the Treatwell boss, customers are less likely to look for discounts, it’s important that they get a vacancy. “Discounts on both our platform and salons have decreased,” she says.

M. Antanaitytė points out that prices increased for all services in general, but highlighted the services whose prices increased the most: eyebrow and eyelash treatments, women’s hair coloring, men’s beard shaving and therapeutic massages.

At first, as soon as hair and nail services were allowed, the spokesperson noted a clear tendency for people to want to do it all at once: trim and trim nails. As a result, the order basket quantity has increased. “

Hairdressing services are becoming more expensive.

Hairdressing services are becoming more expensive.

What services did customers miss the most during the quarantine?

Although the service platform is primarily registered by women, the most popular service currently registered is men’s haircut. Men are said to have especially missed beards. This is the most popular service in this category.

The general trend is that the popularity of hair care services has grown significantly. The number of orders increased by 51% during the day. Women’s hair color requests have nearly doubled.
Nail care services rank second in terms of popularity. The number of orders increased by 13% during the day.

Pedicures and manicures are the most popular services in the category. Treatwell monitors 54 percent. growth in orders for these services.

Facial clients order as much as before quarantine. Customers especially want eyebrow treatments, their orders have increased by 20 percent.

At that time, hair removal orders increased by 10 percent.

True, unlike other procedures, there is a noticeable decrease in massage orders.

“We conducted an additional customer survey. They answered that massage is one of their services, which they will reserve later because they want to perform essential services, i. and. cut and cut your nails ”, says the interlocutor.

The rise in prices for Lithuanians who want beauty treatments is not the only reason: orders grew 9 times

© Treatwell

Customers register every day and at any time

The interviewee noted that today every day they are becoming equally important to customers, and Monday through Friday, all hours are becoming popular. Lunch or night hours are no longer the only busy hours as before quarantine. The morning time, especially 10 a.m., has become more popular than the afternoon time.

“If the most popular hours of service in the past were after work or on the weekend, now people are much freer.

In the past, the most popular lounges were located downtown, for example, near business centers, but now orders are very popular in sleeping areas. I think it’s because clients work from home, “says the head of Treatwell.

M. Antanaitytė says that one of the biggest challenges in classrooms is the inspection of institutions, employees fear unexpected visits, which complicates the work.

From the beginning, it was difficult to work with protective equipment: masks, gloves, which were not used, which caused difficulties.

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