The residents of Klaipėda took the opportunity to inspect the military equipment: not only the children got on the tanks


At noon on Saturday, before the rain fell, the residents of Klaip gatheredda gathered at the site on Taikos Avenue, in front of the Akropolis shopping center. Here, the participants of the military exercise “Strong Griffon 2021” taking place in Klaipeda demonstrated their equipment and weapons.

By deploying their team near a busy street, the military attracted great civilian interest.

The tank of the 2nd Battalion of the 8th Abrams M1A2 Cavalry Regiment of the 8th Europe Cavalry Regiment and the Bradley M2A3 infantry fighting machine, armored vehicles, SUVs, howitzers, mortars, short-range air defense systems and air defense anti-tank used by The United States Rotary Forces in Europe and other military equipment and weapons were on display here.

The emotional Portuguese invited to get into a military car, photos were taken with the children willingly, and all the soldiers answered questions.

The most curious were children and adult men. How far can the fired ammunition fly, how much does the tank cost, if it can get out of the mud, how many soldiers can fit in the armor, and who asked many other things, curiously spoke to the foreigners in English and rejoiced to hear our soldiers who were communicate in good faith.

They allowed them to climb into tanks and armor, look at targets, experience what soldiers feel like driving such powerful equipment.

Andrius Šakalis, G9 psychological operations officer of the motorized infantry brigade “Žemaitija”, stated that the soldiers were surprised by the curiosity and curiosity of the residents of Klaipėda.

“Colleagues from other countries were eager to suggest which units from their team could come forward for inspection. The Portuguese were very happy to respond to such an offer, as they become part of the units deployed to Klaipeda every year. They are very happy. to participate in our events, “said A. Šakalis.

Around 12:30 p.m., the torrential rain scattered a small group of onlookers. Perhaps the cloudy sky prevented us from seeing the Eurofighter Typhoon fighters of the Royal Spanish Air Force and the Dauphin helicopters of the Lithuanian Armed Forces conducting a NATO air police mission. At the scheduled time, they did not show up above the military equipment exhibition, perhaps at that time they had more important works.

The smallest could not only hold on to the equipment, but also load the cannons.

Longing for public events, Klaipeda residents rushed to the military to say they were safe from the coronavirus and ready to show Passports of Opportunity. After holding the exhibition in an open space, the participants of the exercise consulted with the specialists of the Public Health Center on how to ensure the safety of civilians, so that, initially, all those who wanted to inspect the registered military equipment . Later, the rain soaked the sheets of paper and the line of people melted.

The army intended to show its exhibition at 4 pm

Photo by Vytautas Liaudanskis
