The Republic’s doubts about the Astra Zeneca vaccine: Denmark and Norway suspend vaccination –


Denmark is temporarily blocking the vaccination of the population with the Swedish and British AstraZeneca concern. This came after several vaccinated had complications from blood clots, the health service said.


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The Republic’s hesitation on the Astra Zeneca vaccine claims that Denmark and Norway have suspended vaccination. Photo by EPA ELTA

The vaccine is temporarily suspended. Other details are not yet known.

Norway is also preventing the population from being vaccinated with AstraZeneca’s coronavirus vaccine, the Norwegian Health Institute (FHI) said on Thursday, Denmark announced a similar measure.

Following the report of a death in Denmark associated with a blood clot after vaccination with AstraZeneca, information will be awaited on whether there is a link between the vaccine and the case, Geir Bukholm, director of infection prevention at FHI, said at a conference. press office in Oslo.

Norway, like Denmark before, stressed that the link had not yet been established. Vaccination The AstraZeneca vaccine should be discontinued as a precautionary measure for the duration of the study, Bukholm said. It is unclear how long the hiatus will last. In Denmark, it will be 14 days at the moment.

To date, 122,000 people have been vaccinated with AstraZeneca in Norway. The FHI has asked you not to panic unnecessarily. If there is a link between the vaccine and a blood clot, it will be a very rare side effect.

Respublika has repeatedly announced vaccine side effects and even deaths. You can read about it HERE and HERE, HERE and HERE.

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