The release of a ship trapped in the Suez Canal is accompanied by rejoicing Business


“Admiral Osama Rabie, head of the Suez Canal Board (SCA), announced the resumption of shipping on the Suez Canal,” the SCA said in a statement.

Egyptian television reports showed the 400-meter-long ship moving slowly through the canal, with crews from the tugboat fleet cheering with sirens.

Previously, shipment monitoring websites showed that Ever Given had turned around again and blocked the canal, but eventually the four-foot-long ship was released.

Ever Given got stuck in a sandstorm last week, turning and clinging to the banks of the canal.

Reuters / Photo by Scanpix / Suez Channel

Reuters / Photo by Scanpix / Suez Channel

According to shipping magazine Lloyd’s List, the incident eventually resulted in 425 ships waiting to cross the canal at both ends of the canal. Some shipping companies have directed ships around the Cape of Good Hope in the south of the African continent.

The incident detained about 9.6 billion a day. dollars (8,150 million euros) in freight traffic between Asia and Europe.

Ship congestion

Early Monday, a Japanese-owned ship was partially shot down and Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi was quick to congratulate the operation on a “successful” end.

“Today, the Egyptians managed to end the crisis caused by the ship stuck in the Suez Canal, despite the enormous complexity of the process,” AF al Sisi posted on Twitter.

Egypt is estimated to have lost between € 12 million and € 14 million a day due to channel blockages. USD (10.2-11.9 million euros), according to SCA.

After the release of 200 thousand. tons of ship, congestion from ships wanting to cross the canal should dissipate in about a day and a half, Rabie said.

The rescue teams worked around the clock.

The main focus was the removal of sand around the ship: at a depth of 18 m, 27 thousand. puppy. meters, SCA spokesman George Safwat said Sunday.

AFP / Scanpix photo / The Suez Canal was blocked by a ship that veered off course

AFP / Scanpix photo / The Suez Canal was blocked by a ship that veered off course

More consequences

The crisis has forced companies to choose between waiting or sending ships to sail through Africa, despite the sharp increase in fuel costs, 9,000 more. km of road and lost weeks.

Several countries, including the United States, have offered to help unblock the channel. Russia made a similar offer on Sunday.

The possible consequences of the blockade of the Suez Canal are also shown in the announcement by the war-torn Syrian authorities that the crisis has affected their fuel imports from Iran, necessitating rationing of already scarce stocks.

The Romanian Animal Health Agency has announced that 11 live animals from the country’s ships have been affected, and the charity Animals International has warned of a possible death toll of around 130,000. animal “tragedies”.
