The Registry Center has announced when it will resume rain-damaged systems.


“We continue to do everything possible to restore the systems as soon as possible.” Currently, the highest priority is given to the complete restoration of the electronic health system, the elimination of self-service failures from the Registration Center, “says Saulius Urbanavičius, Director General of the Registration Center.

On Tuesday, the company managed to restore Residents, Real Estate, Address Records, e. signature services, the operation of other information systems such as the Marshals Information System, electronic auctions and auction portals.

The company urges customers to postpone the visit to the Registration Center on Wednesday and arrive the next day without any urgent need.

According to Mindaugas Samkus, a representative of the Records Center, the institution’s information technology specialists are in charge of restoring services by working several shifts.

“At night, the health system through the transfer of data from the backup data repository, as well as the restoration of other less important information systems, such as contracts and records of inactive and restricted people, who do not they are used continuously, regularly and extensively. At night, the self-service activities of the Records Center will resume, which e. ​​clients would order and receive services without visiting the institution, “M. Samkus told BNS.

According to him, notaries will be able to provide their services tomorrow, the registers and systems they use will work.

Without e-health, medical institutions cannot charge e-health. documents issued by e. recipes, make other e. Health services functions, patients with electronic signatures cannot buy prescription drugs for them in pharmacies, pharmacies cannot dispense drugs to patients.

On Monday night, according to the Records Center, due to “structural damage to the building,” the office server was filled with rain due to a broken pipe.

According to the Minister of Economy and Innovation, Rimantas Sinkevičius, the work of this system should be restored in about a day.
