The red zone covered Kaunas, Pagėgiai, Kazlų Rūda: the mayors resent the Festival of the Sea and the free tests of Covid-19


The mayor of Kazlų Rūda said that the vaccination policy fades before major events in which participants successfully forget all safety requirements.

And the mayor of Pagėgiai spoke in favor of the Covid-19 payment tests and the reduction of social contacts for those who do not want to be vaccinated. The city of Kaunas pays special attention to vaccination, the head of the Health Department of the Municipal Administration of the City of Kaunas told

The red zone became unexpected: 3 cases were the culprits

Kazlų Rūda “blushes” on the epidemiological map, as the proportion of positive studies exceeded the allowed limit: the indicator reaches 4.7 percent.

The mayor of Kazlų Rūda Mantas Varaška wondered how this municipality could enter the red zone. According to him, in recent days the number of infections in Kazlų Rūda reached 0. Only the indicators from last Friday stood out.

“There have been 3 cases on Friday. <...> I don’t know if that was enough for us to fly into the red zone. <...> We do not have light bulbs or chimneys in the municipality, “said M. Varaška.

When asked how he promises to stop the spread of the coronavirus in the region, the mayor responded: “The opportunities are the same as before. Universal vaccination ”. According to data from the Department of Statistics, 46.2% of Kazlų Rūda patients are currently vaccinated. population.

However, the Kazlų Rūda Vaccination Center is currently suspended due to less interest in vaccines.

“In the last month, while the vaccination center was in operation – it was June – the <...> after a dozen people. It has become clear that this burden can be borne by the health institutions themselves, we have 3 polyclinics, ”said the mayor.

When asked if he plans to restart the vaccination center, the mayor replied: “We are monitoring the situation. It may be that as the number of cases increases and we turn red <...> We will re-establish that center in August. “

Mayor of Kazlų Rūda Mantas Varaška

Vaccination policies are overshadowed by massive events

M. Varaška assured that the strategy to combat the coronavirus in Lithuania is uncertain.

“On the one hand, there is vaccine agitation in the state. On the other hand, large mass meeting events, including the last one, continue to be sponsored and publicized. [Jūros šventę – aut. past.]. It took place on the seashore, attended by hundreds of thousands of people. <...> The photo galleries show how many people wore masks, how many distances, how many did not observe them ”, shared the mayor.

Due to poor security oversight of the event, it is becoming increasingly difficult to convince people to get vaccinated, said M. Varaška.

“If we allow events of this magnitude to continue, that’s it <...> vaccination policies are fading. If you do events on this scale, you still need to be careful and in control. <...> As there is no control, people receive a signal that they can attend events of this magnitude without vaccination, because no one will check it yet ”, commented M. Varaška.

However, the security of the events taking place in Kazlų Rūda will be more closely monitored, assured M. Varaška.

“Our celebration is scheduled for September 11. We follow the recommendations closely, remembering again how we celebrated that holiday last year. There was total control, registration in the name of all people, transfer of this data to our public health center, disinfectants, etc. If those requirements were similar this year, of course we would, ”he said.

According to him, in Kazlų Rūda it is incomparably easier to control the flow of 2-3 thousand guests in the closed areas adapted for the event than to control the flow of participants throughout the city of Klaipėda or on the coast, when a massive It took to held the Festival of the Sea.

There are masses of people at the Klaipeda Sea Festival, and only a few in masks

Workers’ vaccines are a weapon against Covid-19

The mayor of Kazlų Rūda believes that survival from Covid-19 is the widest possible vaccination. Ms Varaška was cautious about mandatory vaccinations, but advocated vaccinating service providers.

“Absolutely everyone who works in the public sector should get vaccinated. <...> For those who perform public functions or participate in the activities of public bodies, the answer is unequivocal, simple as that. It does not matter if the person is on a team or in contact with the recipient of the service, ”shared the mayor.

According to him, everyone who works in the service sector, from the postman to the accountant, should be vaccinated. In this way, the collective protection against Covid-19 would only increase, the mayor of Kazlų Rūda is convinced.

The municipality fears being misunderstood if it takes harsh measures

The municipality of Pagėgiai was included in the “red” list according to the percentage of positive investigation: it reaches 4.1 percent.

Mayor Vaidas Bendaravičius pointed out that on Monday 5 residents of the region suffer from Covid-19 disease in Pagėgiai. Two of those affected visited the coast just a week ago, so the disease was likely brought in from there, he said.

“Because our population is not large, we immediately entered the red zone. Today after 11 pm we turned red even though we were yellow in the morning, ”he said.

The portal asked how the municipality of Pagėgiai plans to reduce the spread of Covid-19. The mayor responded that the authorities, in particular, should tighten the restrictions.

“If the Lithuanian government does not take stricter measures now, it does not matter what [savivaldybės – aut. past.] the color is different, nothing changes. If we took the initiative ourselves, I think that either we would meet in court or we would not understand, ”the mayor worried.

According to him, the municipality of Pagėgiai will ask the organizers to shorten the duration of the events, reduce the number of participants and force them to wear masks inside.

Mayor of Pagėgiai Vaidas Bendaravičius

He urges you to get vaccinated in every way, you will even take the vaccine home.

Currently, 43.7 percent of the Pagėgiai population has been vaccinated. population. “The decrease in the desire to be vaccinated increases very slowly”, described V. Bendaravičius the situation.

However, the municipality is trying to promote the vaccine in a number of ways.

“It just came to our attention then. <...> Now we will even go home. <...> We are trying to encourage the residents on that side. Tomorrow the Blood Center will come, vaccinated with Johnson and Johnson. We have placed an ad, we invite people to all ”, commented the mayor.

According to him, home vaccination will take place if a group of people gets together. For instance, Pfizer the vaccine manufacturer must be desired by at least 6 people, and AstraZeneca Y Modern – 10.

Media: In Israel, Vaccination Efficacy Is Decreasing

Believe that Covid-19 payment tests will bring benefits

The mayor of Pagėgiai supported the idea that those who reject the vaccine have a slightly longer life. One way, he says, is to charge for Covid-19 testing.

“I’m looking forward to the law when paid testing is adopted. I think it will definitely bring us benefits. It had to be done a long time ago: a free vaccination and a paid test,” reflects V. Bendaravičius.

According to him, there is no other option to protect yourself and others without vaccines.

V. Bendaravičius said he had little idea how the state could implement mandatory vaccination.

He suggested a different tactic: “It is possible to turn in the other direction – so that the unvaccinated cannot participate in the events, go to work. For an employer to be fired, let’s say if you don’t get vaccinated for a while. “

“I think such measures would be really effective and we would definitely get a much better result than we have today,” summed up the mayor of Pagėgiai.

Kaunas’ top priority is vaccines.

Over the weekend, Kaunas, which currently belongs to epidemiological zone C1, joined the already “reddened” municipalities of Klaipėda and Šiauliai. Here are 100,000 new cases. people in the last 14 days the indicator reaches 109.1 and the proportion of positive research, 2.5 percent.

Milda Labašauskaitė, head of the Kaunas city municipal administration health care department, said the main focus was smooth vaccination.

According to her, weekly data shows that from July 12 to 18 and July 19 to 25, both in the Kaunas ice sand and vacancies the first dose of the vaccine was administered twice.

“The city council is preparing a second vaccine, which will begin work from Wednesday. We will continue our journey to more remote areas of Kaunas, sleeping areas, where it is convenient for both the elderly and the disabled. And we will go to companies. We will try to bring the prepared dose of the vaccine as close as possible to the residents of the city ”, commented the municipal doctor.

Currently, just over half of the Kaunas population has been vaccinated: 52.3 percent.

“We are happy to have vaccinated the groups 65 and over in Kaunas very well. This means that we will have significantly fewer hospitalizations and deaths, because all the research shows it, ”added M. Labašauskaitė.

Almost 80% were vaccinated in Kaunas. Population aged 65 to 79 years. “We are working hard with the group of more than 80 years; currently we already have 61.5 percent. Vaccinated. Meanwhile, Lithuania has 55%,” said the specialist.

Kaunas City Municipality doctor Milda Labašauskaitė

The red zone expands

The portal recalls that there are currently 9 municipalities in Lithuania that have entered the red zone.

Over the weekend, Kaunas, which currently belongs to epidemiological zone C1, joined the already “reddened” municipalities of Klaipėda and Šiauliai. Here are 100,000 new cases. people in the last 14 days the indicator is 109.1.

According to the largest number of new cases, Palanga overtook the Klaipėda municipality, which “led” last week. Currently, the mentioned indicator is 201, in Klaipėda – 183.8, in Kretinga district – 155.4, in Šilutė district – 140.3, in Skuodas district – 127.7. According to this indicator (107), the city of Šiauliai fell to seventh place.

The number of new cases has also increased in the old “green” municipality of Neringa a few days ago, now it is “dark yellow” with 55 cases per 100,000. Live

6 municipalities (Biržai, Ignalina, Kalvarija, Kupiškis, Pakruojis, Širvintos) 2 weeks. the number of new cases is still 0.
