The Red Zone: an area of ​​Europe where human life is impossible


If they asked you where people’s lives in Europe are impossible, what would you say? Some may remember the area still contaminated after the Chernobyl nuclear power plant accident. Maybe he is talking about the far north. He would definitely make fun of someone about the province of Lithuania. But we would probably all think of some remote places, and indeed the Red Zone of the 20th century. in the heart of Europe in France.

We would find the red zone in a triangle between three French cities near the Belgian border: Lille, Compiegne and Verden. These are scattered areas isolated by the French authorities after the First World War for presenting a particularly high risk.

It is the land that is polluted in such a way that even plants cannot survive. Where, at a depth of only a few centimeters, there is still unexploded ordnance. Where the bodies of fallen soldiers still lie.
