The reconstruction of the sports palace complex is scheduled to begin in 2022 Business


“Currently, the contract is scheduled to be announced in the middle of next year, and the start of the contract works is scheduled for the end of 2021 – early 2022,” Banco de la Propiedades, which coordinates the project, informed BNS.

The state investment program plans to allocate 515 thousand LTL next year. € 16 million would be allocated to the Rinktinės street sports hall in 2022 for project preparation. 685 thousand euros.

In 2016, the design firm Sigitas Kunčevičius for 67 thousand. prepared project of solutions for reconstruction, and technical project for 722.4 Cerdocyon. It is produced by the Archimenai company. Currently, the Property Bank intends to evaluate both technical and investment projects and, if necessary, request the Government “an adjustment of the investment amount.”

Photo by Ugnius Antanavičius / Stairs to the second floor of the Vilnius Sports and Concert Hall

Photo by Ugnius Antanavičius / Stairs to the second floor of the Vilnius Sports and Concert Hall

The company has also stated that compared to the 2016 investment project, the works are currently planned “not based on certain values ​​and average prices, but in great detail and specifically, taking into account the standards, safety requirements, the particularities of the building “.

The construction will be supervised by Jewish organizations.

The state-owned company implementing the project claims that all works in the local territory and the protection zone of the old Jewish cemetery have been coordinated with the Lithuanian Jewish community and the European Committee for the Preservation of Jewish Cemeteries. It was agreed with the organizations that the reconstruction “would help protect, adapt to cognition and use the entrances of the Vilnius Congress Center”.

“It just came to our knowledge then. Basic principle on which it was agreed that no excavation or earthmoving work can be carried out on the territory of the old cemetery. Therefore, new pavements, meadows and flower beds will be installed on the slabs existing concrete after filling in the land, new trees will not be planted, protective barriers will be formed that will prevent people from climbing and walking on the territory of the old cemetery, ”reported Turto Bankas.

These requirements will also be taken into account in the construction of public service networks, which will be carried out in the protection zone, and in some cases the external networks will be built in a closed “push-through” manner.

“The reconstruction and landscaping will be supervised by Jewish rabbis,” emphasizes Turto Bankas.

Plans to build a conference center in place of the disused Vilnius concert and sports hall built in 1971 have been maturing since 2015, when Turto bankas of the investment group Ūkio bankas went bankrupt and the company Žalgirio sporto arena for 5.6 million took over the palace building.

Turto bankas was already planning to renovate the palace in 2016, but the tender announced that it was canceled that year. Subsequently, in early 2017, the company terminated and started negotiations with the consortium of the bankrupt Vilnius construction company Active Construction Management (formerly Irdaiva), the restructured company LitCon and Pamario restauratoriaus.

In 2017, the Financial Crimes Investigation Service announced that one of the members of the Property Bank’s Purchasing Commission was also working on Irdaiva at the same time. The service then conducted a search of the company, its manager and owner Irmantas Kubilius was arrested and suspicions were subsequently raised against the company.

In 2016, the Public Procurement Office ordered the Property Bank to reconsider the bid budget and the price offered by the consortium, which turned out to be too high, then amounted to 27.79 million. euros.
