The real reasons for the “political cold” are clear: there was no agreement on the candidacy of a high official


Last year, two former ministers were said to be running for one of the most important embassies, the embassy in Washington: former Foreign Minister Linas Linkevičius and former Minister of National Defense Raimundas Karoblis. However, President Gitanas Nausėda has even stated several times that both L. Linkevičius and R. Karoblis will not be sent to Washington or Brussels, because they need to be “politically cold” after working in the Government.

“I am not aware of any case in the history of Lithuania where a former minister immediately became an ambassador,” explained G. Nausėda.

However, the reasons why the head of state does not like the candidacy of former ministers are clear.

You don’t understand the president’s decision.

The chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Seimas Žygimantas Pavilionis joked that the US administration would immediately start looking for Lithuanian diplomats.

“It would be difficult to blame one or the other, because the election really had some effect,” ŽN told LNK News. Pavilion.

Linas Linkevičius, Raimundas Karoblis

Linas Linkevičius, Raimundas Karoblis

© DELFI / Andrius Ufartas

Meanwhile, MEP Rasa Juknevičienė assured that the world is behaving differently than the president suggests. “It just came to our attention then. See how many ministers have become ambassadors. This is where the most valuable detail in the biography is sending people to another country,” noted R. Juknevičienė.

Politicians and diplomats consider the current demand of G. Nausėda “politically cold” for L. Linkevičius and R. Karoblis, who are considered the most experienced diplomats in today’s Lithuania, very strange. Especially since G. Nausėda has appointed Deputy Foreign Minister Darius Skusevičius as Ambassador to Canada.

“In my opinion, it would be more rational to send experienced diplomats quickly. I cannot say why it is done otherwise,” said former Foreign Minister Antanas Valionis.

Are the reasons clear?

According to LNK, there may be very specific reasons why the president does not like R. Karoblis. A new military intelligence chief was sought in the middle of last year. According to the LNK, Colonel Saulius Guzevičius was G. Nausėda’s favorite military intelligence leader. He is a close associate of the Head of the Department of State Security, Darius Jauniškis.

The real reasons for

However, R. Karoblis appointed another colonel, Elegijus Paulavičius, commander of military intelligence.
The former defense minister did not confirm or deny the disagreement with the president.

“I have no right to comment, there are sensitive issues. I simply do not confirm or deny,” said R. Karoblis.

The president himself assured that he had no conflicts with the defense minister. “We have been in a sufficiently constructive way with the Minister of National Defense throughout the mandate,” said G. Nausėda.

LNK News recalled that the coronavirus suppressed the maturing scandal at the Department of Homeland Security and the Presidency last year. It turned out that intelligence gathered information on the supporters of the presidential candidates during the presidential election. Security Commander D. Jauniškis was invited to explain to the Seimas. G. Nausėda blocked D. Jauniškis, but there were more and more questions for politicians. The ongoing quarantine silenced all investigations. Subsequently, the president appointed Mr. Jauniškis for a second term.

If R. Karoblis had appointed S. Guzevičius as the commander of the military intelligence, all Lithuanian intelligence would have been led by two close comrades D. Jauniškis and S. Guzevičius, who not only served but also led various forces.

“I cannot comment much on the process, because it is also related to intelligence gathering,” Karoblis said.

“We just realized that there were some things where he was resisting the president’s demands or how. History and time will show and reveal those things, ”said R. Juknevičienė.

Rasa Juknevičienė

Rasa Juknevičienė

© Author’s Archive

Politicians lack the coherence of G. Nausėda in defending “political cooling”. President Asta Skaisgiryte’s adviser has said that G. Nausėda is considering “political cooling” to be enshrined in law. However, G. Nausėda himself denied such words.

“I am not convinced that it is necessary to regulate such things on a legal basis,” he said.

According to the head of state, the “political cooling off” should last “for a while.” But how specifically, he cannot say.

“In fact, apparently, in each case, that cooling period has to be evaluated individually,” said G. Nausėda.

Positions in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs were offered to L. Linkevičius and R. Karoblis. L. Linkevičius says he has nothing to comment on. R. Karoblis made no secret that he felt underrated.

“It would seem a natural continuation to use that experience to the benefit of Lithuania. If that experience is not very necessary, how can you say what you will do,” assured R. Karoblis.

Conservative Foreign Minister and President Gabrielius Landsbergis declined to comment on the situation.

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